Epic Fail, Fence Edition

Jul 15, 2008 18:49

I cannot work a sprayer. This became glaringly obvious within the first minute of beginnng to stain the fence. And after I spent an hour cleaning stain off of our siding, I went to work with the paintbrush. By the end of the day it was glaringly obvious that there was no way no how that I could get this thing done on my own. So now we are paying a friend of ours to help me, and we needed more stain than we thought, so this little project is WAAAAAAY over budget. And Dan is being grumpy. Which I think is not really fair. He's not the one working all day staining the fence. I had to cut out early this afternoon because Bryce had a doctor's appointment, and I'm trying to convince myself to go back out while the weather is cool, but my whole body is one big ache and I don't know if my skin can stand being loofahed again today. (The stain is sticky and has to be scrubbed off vigorously to get it at least sanded down.) I really don't want to pout icky sweaty clothes back on either. Yech.
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