The most effective way of adorning home with longest lingering smell

Jan 29, 2015 19:44

All you have to do is to put up one glass of milk on gas stove, switch it on (the most critical step in this process) and then get immersed in whatever you like doing (the second most critical step in this process). After an hour or two, not only your house but your neighbourhood as well will lit up in the amazing lingering smell of you know what. Utensil will turn/burn into black (Arthaat - Bartan tau jalan ke maare kaala pad jaayega!). Room freshners, agarbattis will be tested to their full potential and eventually you will too. The kaamwali bai will say - 'Baba, yeh kya kiya! Ab yeh tau saaf nahin hauga!!'. It's her challenging words that will flare up your nostrils and appeal to each inch of your muscle (or Fat, whatever resides in you) to take up a scrubber and try restore the shiney (not the ahuja one) back on utensil. And after two hours, you will beat the challenge. Here's how...

First, you will leave some water in the utensil hoping that it will loosen out that blackish, sticky stuff off the steel. You might also decide to stare continuously at the utensil hoping that if water fails, may be your nonstop gaze will humiliate the stuff in leaving from utensil. Then you will look for that steel wirey scrubber and start scrubbing. You realize that some black pieces are coming off. You will exult and put in twice your strength back into scrubbing. On watching closely, you will realize that your scrub is falling apart and some of its pieces are also being drained off along with the black sticky thingy. Time to evolve strategy.

You will open the refrigerator to see if something is there to help you out. Well, usually you might open the kitchen cabinet but in my case, I chose to open refrigerator. If you are lucky like me, you will find two important tools. A half cut piece of lemon which somehow will trick your brain in thinking that this might do the trick. If nothing else, at least it might reduce the odour. So you drop the lemon into the utensil and pour some water. Repeat the gaze-stare therapy and start scrubbing again. This time, along with the steel pieces of your scrubber, you will see that lemon pieces are also draining out with that black sticky thingy. Time to evolve strategy further. Oh, I forgot to mention about that other important tool. It is "The Chocolate". Scrubbing is never easy on low sugar level. And I ensure that I am never ever low on sugar. Back to strategy evolution.

You will open the kitchen cabinet to see if something is there to help you out. You will find screw driver, a man's fourth or fifth best friend depending upon whether friends/books/cycle/camera happen to occupy the first three/four. Why am I digressing so much? Must be those high sugar levels. Anyways, back to the screw driver test. You try to peel of the black sticky thingy from the surface. You might falter into thinking that this was dumb thing to do. But wait for the light bulb in your head to lit up. As you start peeling things off, you think the unthinkable. What if...

What if I heat water into this utensil and then use the screw driver to peel it off. Once you heat water into the utensil, the black sticky thing start coming off with more ease. Now do you see the essence of screw driver in this whole plot? Why it is one of the man's best friend (or man's one of the best friend, whichever way you want to word it)? Couple rounds of hot water with steel scrubber tied to the screw driver and your utensil is all cleaned up. To rid utensil completely off the odour, the last round of hot water must have some lemon and meetha soda added to it. See that finally clean utensil and fill up your heart with that winning feeling which once reigned in heart of Alexander. Stay in that position for at least 5 minutes. Why? Because the sooner you turn around, sooner that winning feeling will run away. Why?

You see... All the black sticky thingy that you thought you have got rid off, is now choking up your wash basin sink.

experience, experiment, log, day

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