..farewell the ashtray girl..

Dec 09, 2005 16:52


So I did end up going to the jazz band concert. Albeit, late. (If you tell my dad that you have to be somewhere at seven, he will be home at seven.) We missed the first two tunes. Caught the third through the door (they started as we were coming up the stairs), and got inside in time for the combos. 'Twas good.

Hmmm.. what did I do yesterday? Um.. Nothing. We had a "late night" until four, where we pretty much we saying "please let there be no school tomorrow, don't want to deal with this issue." Would have had the first practice afterward, except Becca was sick, and you can't very well have practice without the director. XD I heart you, Becca. You just get better.

But it was good because I came home and slept, and it was dandy.

Today wasn't ridiculously productive. I read for most of the morning. (For school? Pah!) The book is alright, but then again, I just grabbed whatever my parents are reading. (shh!)

The internet stopped working for awhile. Why? Because of the snow on the satelite, and I completely forgot about that being the issue considering we haven't dealt with that since last winter, so there were a good few hours where Matt looked like he was going to shoot himself. XD And then I remembered, and went, "D'oh!"

:D You know you heart me.

Then the two of us holiday-fied the house, well, the outside of the house. (We don't have enough garlands for whatever reason, so it's mostly done, but not completely, so it will have to wait.)

At one point, he got in my face, and I thwacked him in the back of the head with an aluminum foil pan. *big grin* He, of course, promptly fell in the snow. (It didn't hurt him, if you're wondering. It was a light tap, and I think even if I was trying to hurt him, I couldn't with that flimsy thing. Now why we had that outside in the first place...) I then put my foot on his stomach, claiming victory, he grabbed it and started shaking it until I yelled at him, saying I was going to fall over. We tried getting him up, but with the snow, and slippery shoe grips, it didn't quite work, and he ended up falling over again. He got this look on his face that made me think that he had injured his tailbone or something, and then he utters "cold" and I laugh because he got snow up his shirt. As we were going back inside, he was kicking snow at me, and I thought he was throwing it at me, so I said, "Stop throwing snow at me!" And he continues because he wasn't throwing snow. I realise wha he's doing, turn around brandishing the pan saying, "Stop it or I'll beat you with a stick!"


Aaand, that's pretty much how productive my day has been.

Both my parents have been home all day, which is kind of poopie, but, oh well!

And I had a really weird dream last night

Abby's recital is tomorrow! Yay!

And.... hmmm.. my brain had shriveled up because it is so cold. I do not understand my house. Upstairs, you can't breathe and it's hot. This floor it's cold. And the basement, well, it's the basement.

And I've just come back from a phone call and hmmm..

look at us.

holiday, antics, phone call, winterguard

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