..i remember running through the wet grass, falling a step behind..

Dec 04, 2005 23:48

Hah. I just posted to my mindsay for the first time since *switches tabs and checks* May 2nd.

Wow. That was a long time ago.

The horrible French ranting I was talking about.

Maybe I should use it for that, since I don't update it that often, and I usually rant in French when I want to pretend that thing I'm ranting about isn't bothering me.

Yay for lying to yourself! (Or trying to, at any rate.)

I don't know why it bothers me. Why I have to post these things. I can't even bring myself to post privately. Livejournal has ruined me.

I used to use a dead tree journal. I really did. Then I got a xanga. I posted in there, and then I stopped. I don't remember when the deluge of blogger accounts came, probably some in this period, other during the reign of el-jay. Then I got this thing. It's like crack.

(insert)I think I'm almost afraid of myself.

Now, when I have a dead tree entry, I feel antsy. It's almost as though I can't keep these thoughts to myself, like they aren't real if I don't post them. (Probably stems from that period of time where I actually thought I was going crazy and hallucinating things because she didn't say anything about it, even right afterward. I then I knew I wasn't crazy because it happened again. And again. and again. It still hasn't been actually talked about. WHY AM I OBSESSING OVER IT NOW?! It's been ages since then. *headesk*) I usually would post them in the blogger accounts because no one reads them. Even though no one reads them, they're there, and it's almost a comfort.

Why does it bother me? I don't know.

You know, or maybe it's a like a penseive. (But you can have a penseive that no one else sees, so why does yours have to be out there?)

I don't know why I'm going on about this. It doesn't even make sense.so yeah.

I know I don't comment that often, but I do read what you post. I do. Some people don't get this and get angry when I don't comment.

To clarify, I do intend to comment. I click the link to comment, "Open Link in New Tab" But then, I don't. Or I think I did, but I really didn't.

Some people understand. Others, well, don't. Although I hope you do, because I mean well.

And now there are more strange noises which I'm fairly certain aren't people delivering newspapers because it's not even midnight, and the fact that my mind is sort of running on overdrive (you know those times when you feel very alert and awake and your mind is just zooming along, especially the bit called "imagination," yeah, those times) doesn't help.

These are very much righty scissors. *reffering to scissors in hand*

Ho-hum, I'll get some work done.

And maybe I'll actually go and make that [insert hot drink].

edit: You know what? This is just one of those moods that I don't like that I get from time to time. It get easier to recognise them after a while.

i like the fishy layout that's over there.

journals, deadtree, comments, mindsay, blogs

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