
Dec 04, 2005 22:37

From: Me
To: Management
Subject: No holiday bonus for you.
Date: Today at Now o'clock

Whoever is in charge up there-

I have recently been reminded of things that I'd rather not think about and thought had been thoroughly stowed away. What is this poop? You've been slacking. Too many and too long of breaks, I presume.

I'd appreciate if this matter was fixed immediately. Put them back in their boxes, or better yet, just burn them, that way I won't need to bother with them anymore.

K thnx.

From: Management
To: You
Subject: Crock of shit.
Date: Later today at Then o'clock


In case you've failed to notice, we've been working overtime with all this crap that's on your mind. We deserve an even bigger holiday bonus and a raise.

You've been overloading the data base. (And we thought this would be an easy time of year. Well, poop on you.) We would appreciate it if you would stop thinking so much, and just do things. (You really do need to stop thinking so much, it's bad for business. Not to mention your sanity.)

We've also been neglected. You've been so busy with life and thinking that everything is in disarray up here. (Not to mention the overload.)

So stop thinking. Put yourself in a coma, or something. That way you won't think, meaning you don't have to deal with all that. Which means we can deal with the backlog, and put things in order. Which means things can run smoothly.

Happy Holidays.

PS- You are a daft fool. You know the files can't be burned. And the boxes are broken. You should stop finding those memory triggers, they're nasty buggers.

From: Me
To: Management
Subject: Poop on you.
Date: Even later today at Awhile o'clock

No. No happy holidays for you. No, no, no.


How about you jump out a window or something?


K thnx.

I miss French. I was happy to get out of the class, I mean, it wasn't teaching me anything. But I miss learning French. I don't speak it that often, and I wish I did. (I try to get my brother to talk in French, but he just ignores me until I speak in English.) It's stupid, I know, missing a language, but I like it. I mean, I've been learning it (off and on) since first grade, I've grown up with it. I mean, I even think in French sometimes, which is sad, I know, but it's there. I'm not even that good at it. I can communicate, but not well enough.


David's was fun. I knew most everyone there, so it was all good. And it was good times, I enjoyed myself.

And yes.

This isn't a very coherent entry.

Heh heh, Manda, guess what I found? A picture of some writing in chalk from Miller's French class. *coughcoughbakacoughcough*

(Haha. I'm ranting in French. Horrible French, but French nonetheless.)

Biggus (sp?) always makes me think of Christmas. Why? Probably because we always have it. Although, I can't explain why I just took a bite (we have some on the stove), I don't even like the stuff.

(Biggus is a cabbage dish. Not fresh cabbage, but canned cabbage. The stuff in white wine is best. I could eat that sutff out of a can. Then again, I also like eating peas from a can and canned corn, but that's something else entirely.)

And it's not to be confused with borsch. At the annual neighbourhood bonfire thing-y, my mum makes biggus, and they love it. So Mum always has the burly men in our neighbourhood coming up to her and saying "Great borsch." or "Where's the borsch?"

Speaking of which, it's a week from today. If anyone wants to come and get stuffed on good food (the chili is awesome), feel free. Everyone in the neighbourhood brings a dish and there'll be hotdogs and hamburgers and whatever else. And yes. (It's kind of boring without people.)

I like my icons, but I'm kind of bored with them. New ones may appear.

It's cold in my house.

I think I'll make tea. Or hot cocoa. Maybe both? Tea for now, cocoa for later? (Do we have milk?)

Okies. *frolics off to get warm. and rant nonsensically in horrible French so that "no one can understand me. not even me!"*


reminders, french, biggus, hot cocoa, management, borsch, tea

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