Juice fast - Day 9

Feb 26, 2013 21:28

Not much in the way of weight lose in the last 24 hours but what can you do? Trudge onward and upward, I know that I am doing something good for my body. I have had a couple of more people at work be in shock that I have been on a juice fast for this long, I plan on going much further. I want to go 30 days and possibly up to 60 days. It depends on how I feel as to when I will stop the fast. After this whole thing is over I think I will still juice on a daily basis, just have some meals with it. After that I think I will do periodic fasting (like 10 days or so) about every 3 months to make sure that I keep up the progress.

You never know how far you can go until you try...

Weight - 235.6
Body fat - 37.5%

I am beginning to think that the percentage body fat on the scale is not completely accurate as it seems to fluctuate, I have decided to include it in the listings as it might straighten out as they go.
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