Finals are over, the semester is over. I have time again that isn't strictly allocated to last minute reviewing and the LOST season finale giving me a sad. You know what that means?
It means that I've been playing Assassin's Creed and having great fun with it. The game play's pretty repetitive in structure, but the free run options and environmental interactivity are great fun. Chris borrowed it from David, and I've been playing it at Chris's house and keeping him from planing it. Except right now. Because I had to check LJ and my email. So now he's running around being chased by guards. Run, Chris, Run!
It means Chris and I saw Star Trek and OMGWTFBBQLOLCAKESWIN! It's been quite a while since a movie has made me this happy. It made me bawwww, it made me awwww, it made me lol, and it made me jump in my seat with wild delight and abandon.
Kirk's Daddy's Ramming Speed Manuever? It gave me a sad face and warbles.
Spock's Mom dying? B'awwwwwww! T_T I really got to like the Amanda Grayson portrayed in the A.C. Crispin Sarek novel. (Yeah. I read a Star Trek book when I was younger because the author did the Han Solo Trilogy.)
Spock/Uhura? Hells to the yes. This was one of the best things in the movie, IMHO. I liked the drama-free relationship as a steady rock amidst the crazy drama of time travel and planet's black holeing. The Spock/Uhura scene after Vulcan black holes where Uhura asks Spock, "What do you need?" was a just lkago;ag;dfah perfect.
Red Shirts gave me a sad for a while in Star Trek: The Original Series. The new movie Red Shirt just made me LOL. Red parachute suited Red Shirt who just couldn't wait to kick Romulan arse was the "Chief Engineer Olson" C.E.O. A post October 2008 surprise movie at last! Thank gawd!
Again, Spock/Uhura. God DAMNIT they need to make this into a tv show or another movie sequel and those two need to get married and produce lil pointy eared Obama babies!