Jan 12, 2011 20:37

[After the complete debacle that was Bowser's Day Out, the esteemed Captain found himself doing damage control--but not at the school. No, Falcon was fighting a media firestorm, running back and forth between Final Destination and Mute City. As such, he has been in and out of his office for the better part of a week--but if you're lucky, you might be able to catch him and ask him what the hell even happened that fateful Monday afternoon.

Somehow, between his copious press conferences and interviews, he manages to post a video to the network on Wednesday evening.]
[Falcon looks very super serious about this video. He has a black eye under his sunglasses and a fat lip and speaks as though what he is going to tell you is of the utmost importance. Because it is.]


If you ran into me on Monday? It wasn't me. I have no idea what I did or said to any of you because I was tied up and locked in a janitor's closet. So I guess this is a blanket apology for the jackass who punched me in the face and ran around pretending to be me on the five-o-clock news. That's all.


This probably was not healthy.

He had better things to do then page through tabloid after tabloid, reading all about F-Zero's latest scandal. It wouldn't do any good to dwell on what the media was saying about him.

And yet there he was, buried in a veritable mountain of magazines and newspapers and online reports and Mewtube videos, scrutinizing each one.

It wasn't pretty. Falcon was no stranger to having the media all up in his business, and he had his fair share of tabloid woes. How could he not? When you were as famous as he was, you were bound to have people that seemed to exist solely to surround his name with libel and slander. They called him a drunk, a sellout, an immoral slimeball who had no place on the racing circuit. Falcon had thick skin. He was used to shrugging that off.

This, however, was different. The entire racing community was buzzing with the events of Monday afternoon, and his many press conferences and interviews had done nothing but fan the flames. Even if the F-Zero Committee had publicly stated that the chaos in Final Destination was not the Captain's doing, journalists and reporters jumped at the chance to begin a whole new onslaught of extrapolations.

How did they really know it was Blood Falcon? Wasn't that convenient for the Captain to blame everything on his clone? Obviously that meant he ran around without consequence, participating in all sorts of illegal operations and dumping all culpability on his doppleganger. What kind of role model was that? Who was that mysterious ninja hobo? The orange robot? The F-Zero Committee paid Falcon astronomical sums of money to behave irresponsibly and corrupt all of the fans (many of them impressionable children!) that looked up to him. That was just completely scandalous!

And that press conference! Such an outburst was hardly becoming of F-Zero's poster boy. The complete lack of respect and tact! How did the Committee even put up with him? How long had they been cleaning up after his messes?

Once those trains of thought were set in place, the theories started to fly. Falcon had lost it. He'd been hiding some sort of mental instability for years, and now it was all bubbling to the surface. The Committee couldn't control him anymore, and the alleged destructive rampage in Final Destination was just the beginning.

Sitting on the living room sofa, reading through exposé after exposé of his alleged self-destructive, alcoholic, pill-popping, drug-using, rapist, unstable, psychotic tendencies, he couldn't help but think back to how angry he'd been when he confronted Blood Falcon downtown. How he had, for lack of a better phrase, completely lost his shit when the clone teleported away. Though not at the forefront of the news, there was at least some talk of the clearly insane masked man who jumped into the fray and whose blind rage caused almost as much damage as the so-called clone himself. Was Ionia following this? What could she possibly think?

Falcon had spent years ignoring the the tabloids, brushing them off because he knew they weren't true. Now, however, he was starting to wonder if they were right.

!smeargle, !little mac, i have issues, !bowser, i need booze, ow my most of me, life's a bitch, !jeff, !pit, !goose, *narration, !samus, !gideon, batshit clone, !vianca, everyone wants to kill me, !max, !charizard, !eggman, !peach

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