So, there's this game that I play, sometimes alone, sometimes with
curmudgeonlet in which you are given a budget and a theme and must trawl the internet to find a bunch of clothing to buy. For instance: "{insert natural disaster here} destroyed everything you own! Put together a whole new wardrobe for $2,000. Okay, go!" (those of you who are friends with Mudge will have seen her recent post on this subject, detailing her $2000-wardrobe) This involves both my girlish desire to spend hours looking at shoes and pretty dresses, and my obsessive-compulsive need to involve strict accounting and rigorous research in everything I do. It works out very well.
Anyway, the most recent one involved the following: one wedding dress, three formal dresses for various occasions, and ALL the shoes, accessories, etc, to wear along with each of them. The budget was $10,000 because we felt like being ridiculous and going all-out, but I am pleased to note that I came in just under $4,000 -- even including the $800+ designer purse that I decided to throw in just because, hell, I had money to burn.
Wedding Ensemble
I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a traditionalist, as far as symbolism goes. I refuse to wear all-white at my wedding unless Jesus himself appears to me on the eve of the event to magically restore my hymen. And if that happens, I'll probably forgo marriage in favor of an insane asylum anyway. At any rate, my search for a non-white wedding dress led me on a merry chase that ended in the quinceanara dress section:
(I did mean ALL the accessories)
Necklace and Circlet: (both set with peridot)
Wedding Total: $1,006.98
Not half bad, considering a lot of people spend over twice that on the dress alone.
Formal 1
Formal 1 Total: $571.13
Formal 2
$578.00 $244.00 $22.50 (the red ones, obvi)
$85.49 $189.00
Formal 2 Total: $1,118.99
Formal 3
$250.00 $59.95 (the wristband, not necklace)
$49.00 $9.95 $59.99
$825.00 Formal 3 Total: 1,253.89
Total: 3,950.99