some results

Aug 12, 2005 07:59

The owner of the building finally turned up on my doorstep Tuesday morning (after the carpenters failed to come AGAIN on Monday) and she personally began working on all the things that needed to be done. I also had a long talk with her about the guy who supposedly is taking care of this place and she agreed that things were handled badly. She will be looking into getting a new caretaker. WOOHOO!!!! If I never have to talk to that man again it will be too soon.
But most of the work is now done. There's still a couple boards on the deck that need replacing, and both the front and back deck need sanding and repainting. There's a couple door stops still missing and only 1 towel rail in the bathroom (with a family of 4, 1 is never enough) but at least I know she will get to them and I'm no longer being ignored.
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