Jun 01, 2009 17:09
this weekend was AMAZING - thursday night I caught up with a friend on facebook and asked if he wanted to hang out sometime over the weekend since we hadn't seen each other in ages. As it turned out he was going up to Tampa for the weekend, so I asked him if we could catch up en route, seeing as I had made plans to go up to Tampa a few weeks ago, only to have my flight canceled last minute.
I'm so glad I did!!! I got to catch up with one friend on the way, see others I was dying to be near again (I wish we lived closer), make new friends and just be back in St. Pete - west coast Florida is such a different vibe! I got to play beach volleyball with Amanda, who I'm totally in-sync with both on and off the court. We played for hours and my serves were on point. We went dancing, hung out by the coast on a perfect day - breezy and light, tasted grapefruit wine, and just generally enjoyed an eventful and yet simultaneously relaxing weekend. I can't describe the importance of meeting new people with similar goals and interests in life instead of the yahoos I've been running into down here in South Florida lately...
It was the perfect mix of new exciting things and familiar friends and places I was longing for. And it refreshed my whole outlook :D
Then when I got home, my beautiful HP mega-awesome love of my life was awaiting me. I carefully unpacked it, pluged in and uploaded pics just by plugging my xD card straight into theside of the "screen" (all in one desktop for the win) and started swishing through them with the nifty touchscreen feature. Then I sat back and watched Juno on it's lovely 25.5 inch screen from the comfort of my bed. Really the only bad part of this weekend was that it had to end...