Title: We Fall Together
Rating: PG
Character(s): Ziva David, Tony DiNozzo
Summary: TIVA Sequel to
Unresolved Angst and
Stating the Obvious. Double drabbles. They don't say I love you but they will make the fall together.
Prompt: challenge #40, Free Week, from
ncisdrabble100 Author's Note: A quick explanation - I chose to do my "free week" on prompt # 27 - West Wing Episode Title. I thought that it was rather appropriate when I found out that there was one titled "The Fall's Gonna Kill You."
Words: 221
McGee had been commissioned with giving them both a ride home. Not that, there was much choice in the matter. He had a brace around his knee where a bullet had just been removed, so he was in no position to drive. Though, Ziva somehow managed to convince the docs that she didn’t need to stay overnight for observation, the very prominent dressings around her hand and shoulder were evidence enough of her being shot at multiple times.
To those who did not know her every nuance, it may appear that she was unaffected by her injuries. However, her stiff posture and lack of response to being chauffeured back his apartment did not escape his critical eye. Still, it wasn’t the physical act of getting injured that worried him, but rather the implications from their shared ordeal.
It had been close. Too close.
Her eyes just wouldn’t shut up because at the end of the day, she knew that all his bravado was only a pretense for a great deal of passion and guilt. Two entities that threatened to overwhelm him when it came to all things related to her.
As if sensing the direction of his thoughts, she reached over to grasp his hand with her uninjured one and held on, because a fall like that would kill them both.
Prompt: challenge #8, A love story without the word 'love', from
ncisdrabble100 Author's Note: Hope that this is sufficient to satisfy the prompt ... it's more an angsty love story.
Words: 350
Like so many times before, they supported each other. She leaned into him, bearing his weight with her uninjured shoulder and somehow, they managed to get back to Tony’s place with minimal havoc.
McGee declined to comment on the arrangement after Tony pointed out that now was not the ideal time for a housewarming party at her new place. It was another remnant of the post-Somalia awkwardness and Ziva realized just how much she had kept the team from the comings and goings of her personal life. That would be a worry for another time, as the ache in her shoulder just remanifested itself.
Without her verbalizing the thought, Tony nodded towards the direction of the bathroom and said, “Go ahead, I have an appointment with my couch anyway.”
The warm sprays served two purposes, one to relieve her pain and the other to rejuvenate. For a moment, she forgot the means by which she came to be at her partner’s place, the way in which he penetrated her seemingly indelible walls with his piercing green eyes.
But, when she opened the bathroom door and find him on the other side, rather than on the couch as he previously stated, came the realization that they reached a precipice. Whether they would sink or fall, would ultimately define their future.
She would make the plunge, locking her good arm around his nape and pressing hard against his lips. Immediately, he responded by leaning into her body, wrapping his braced leg around hers. He trusted her to support his weight, the way she counted on him to hang on.
Their kiss was cathartic, the kind that obliterated your very focus until you were lost in a vertiginous space, only to plummet back to earth. And Tony would be there, ready to give into the momentum if she happened to fall.
She gripped his neck, breaking their kiss only to mark a trail down his jawline, “I am here.”
He sank his fingers into her damp hair, burying his face into her neck, “The curtains came down Ziva, I won’t let you go.”