Title: Stating the Obvious
Rating: PG
Word Count: 316
Prompt: challenge #176, Tobias Fornell, from
ncisdrabble100 Character(s): Fornell, Gibbs, (mentions Tony DiNozzo, Ziva David)
Summary: What Gibbs and Fornell saw ... sequel to
Unresolved Angst Author's Note: A very quick follow-up with a different POV but I promised a TIVA centered one afterwards.
“It was a closed call.”
“No need to state the obvious, Tobias. There is no almost in my book.”
“But, apparently there are rules in this proverbial book of yours.”
No comment to that, but Fornell hadn’t been expecting one.
The FBI had arrived on scene along with the NCIS calvary which was responding to Tony’s call for immediate backup. Apparently, both agencies were chasing down the same leads, but from separate angles. In any case, they had arrived on time to see Ziva dangling precariously off the edge from a five-floor drop to concrete ground. She was literally hanging onto her partner for dear life. Gibbs sprang into motion, followed closely by McGee to bring the partners back to safety, and then get the both of them seen by paramedics.
“You take this one, Tobias. Process the scene and keep me in the loop.”
Fornell only nodded, declining to comment that this wasn’t Gibbs’ usual protocol. But, there was nothing usual about what’s happening in front of them at the moment - Tony’s piercing green eyes had not left his partner since the team had pulled up the former Mossad agent. Ziva had said nothing, not even to comment on her partner’s very obvious hovering, as the medics bandaged her hand and shoulder.
“So what happens now, Jethro?” The implication was there in his question: the outcome could be worse, raising the body count by one. But beyond the superficial, there was also the underlying current that always meant something more. And since the two people who knew all the sordid details of their tempestuous history were the very ones in question, that only left one answer.
“Nothing is going to happen, Tobias. Rules are there for a reason.”
But then again, the two men have known each other for a long time. Gibbs was right - there was no need for him to state the obvious.