So, I once again proved to one and all that I really am hopeless with deadlines - the Christmas cards were posted today. Guess they'll be a little late. *hides in a corner*
But I'm not totally hopeless! I did get a few Christmas drabbles written, and I've a couple other ones too - just general drabbling in the Pirates theme. One of these drabbles may be cross-posted to Raise the Dead in the next few days (*eyes work schedule* Hopefully...), as it features everyone's favourite ginger lieutenant. Other than that, it is a rather unusual cast I present you with (shan't tell you all - would spoil the fun!).
And on a side note: My cousin Diane and her husband and 11-year-old son came down from Ontario this year, and were just over here for Christmas dinner. Malcolm (the son) is so much like me its a little shocking. Poor Diane spent the whole evening a-gape at how splendidly we get on. He's a sweet boy - we talked (or rather, I mostly listened) Animorphs and computer games and books. ^_^ Gotta lurve it when family suddenly shows you - hey, maybe you fit in after all! xD
So, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and wonderful Yuletide to you all, and to all a good night! I leave you with drabbles as I run out the door to two masses. (*eyeroll* Gotta love being an altar server - not to bed until 1:30am for me!)
1. Carolling (X-mas Prompt)
Stepping through the door into the Commodore's office, Lieutenant Andrew Gillette recieved a rather abrupt, startling, and even downright rude, greeting.
"What is that racket?" His commanding officer demanded, rounding on the shocked lieutenant like a rather miffed bear.
Andrew blinked. "Er... what racket, sir?" Wondering if there was something in the room he was missing, he glanced hastily around. No, everything seemed to be in order.
"That, that, noise! Outside! Down there!" Norrington's hands flailed vagrantly at the window overlooking the yard of Fort Charles. Andrew looked out and raised his eyebrows.
"Oh - that's the midshipmen sir. Carolling."
2. Brandy Butter (X-mas Prompt)
I really should have known better than to accept Jack's invitation to a meal. Or as he called it, 'an ol' fashioned Christmas dinner, luv!'. Pfah. Not only don't I give a wit about Christmas, but I should have realized that Jack Sparrow is never 'ol' fashioned', dinner or otherwise. I'm not one to turn a down a good meal, though, so I went. But somehow I don't think those gnarled old white men back in England have barbequed pig and mango juice. And what Jack called 'brandy butter'... I don't think it had any butter in it. Or brandy.
3. Shiny Paper - Double Drabble (X-mas Prompt)
It was me first Christmas back aboard me Pearl. Now luvs, I'm rather fond of Christmas. Its a right proper holiday. Any day meant for feasting and drinking is grand. But the thing about Christmas its a, well, its a tad boring, bland almost. So me first Christmas back aboard the Pearl I decided to introduce the crew to some other habits, as it were. Now, the Orientals, they've a grand idea right around this time of year. They give little gifts, see, wrapped up in shiny paper. Coin, usually. An' thats fine by me.
So that's what we did. I had the crew, the whole crew mind, and thats a ruddy lot of people, get little gifts of coin and whatnot for their mates. They didn't mind that, many of them, as they all got summat in return. Who'd I give gifts too, ye ask? Well, ol' Gibbsy of course, an' a few others. But that's not the point, luvs. The point is, I had all of the buggers wrap their little bits up in shiny paper - or paper, leastaways. So now, darlin's, I've got paper floating around everywhere. An' I thought, luvs, mayhap you'd be wanting it?
4. Some things have to be believed to be seen. (Quote Prompt)
Andrew wonders if he is the only one to remember that night, the only one of all of them to remember the shine of bare bone in moonlight. Tupper doesn't speak of it - ever. But he tosses and turns in sleep, one cabin over, and jumps at shadows. Chance only talks about the battle when he's so deep in his cups that he barely remembers his name the next day. And Hammond... well, he'll never know what Hammond saw that night. But Andrew saw the boney fingers, the gleaming tibia and ulna and all those little wristbones. Andrew believed.
5. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. (Quote Prompt)
'Power corrupts', they said. Often, James wondered at that. To him, power had never seemed tempting or corrupting. It hadn't lured him and guiled him into thinking he was more important, better, than others. Oh, he supposed it would be possible to abuse it - to lord over others, to imprison and punish men at whim. After all, who was there to punish him? He couldn't say he'd never had the thoughts, but in the end, power wasn't a temptation to him. Just a challenge. Just a job to be done, and hopefully well. He couldn't even remember becoming powerful.