Title: Evidence Person: Pearlseed Disclaimer: None some of mine a’tall Pairing: Jack and Lizzie Rating: Easy on the goods Summary & Words: Jack comes to visit the king. Happy 100.
Jack utilized his best swagger entering the great hall, coat flaring, riveting attention to his manly presence
Oh, yeah. Our captain at his finest, and "dark angel beauty" is fabulous. I love everysinglewordofthis, the tiny shoes, their discovery of where and who they are. A think of beauty, sis ♥
Okay, I can't tell you how goose-bumpy I am at this precise moment--I was checking the bit and read the 'dark angel' words and was just swept over with the lust, er love I have felt reading your descriptions (your really really luscious satiny tasty, salty...oh,...)of Jack's golden skin. And now here you are. Okay I'm impressed. Several states and a couple of time zones...gotta love it. And you, young lady, stop thinking aloud so hard!! Thanks, there were about 600 words left out finally, I was loving watching him come to her and later in her rooms, his sweet awareness of how life had changed. I'm so curious, what will he share with us this next go around?
Um, that was supposed to be "thing of beauty" - but "think" works, too, I do believe :-)
Goose-bumpy, oh yes, and I do miss writing about our Captain. I'm looking forward to P4, and I hope they do right by him. 600 words sounds about right for leaving out of a drabble *g* Of course, you could make good use of them and give us more, more, more ♥
Oh yeah, think works just fine! At least that's how I read it. Also, I was going to say, only brain and train (of thought) sometimes disrail when least expected
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Oh, so wonderful, this drabble! Your Jack is SO quintessentially Jack -- preening and "strutting his stuff" to best dramatic effect, so aware of his "dark angel beauty" (GREAT phrase, that, BTW!) and his other manly assets, and shamelessly using them to best advantage to snare Lizzie's attentions! And that touch of sweet vulnerability underneath the swagger... wondering if her heart would welcome his
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Thank you thank you thank you==I'm now sittin' pretty and from this vantage can say, hey didn't make my bed--it's okay!LOL. You are one of my "teachers" and when you like, I'm going to the head of the class
( ... )
You let me do this of course. Your words are some of the kindest and most flattering ones you have shared with me. Thank you so much for your read and excellent write! Wow! Thank you kind one.
Comments 10
Jack utilized his best swagger entering the great hall, coat flaring, riveting attention to his manly presence
Oh, yeah. Our captain at his finest, and "dark angel beauty" is fabulous. I love everysinglewordofthis, the tiny shoes, their discovery of where and who they are. A think of beauty, sis ♥
Thanks, there were about 600 words left out finally, I was loving watching him come to her and later in her rooms, his sweet awareness of how life had changed. I'm so curious, what will he share with us this next go around?
Goose-bumpy, oh yes, and I do miss writing about our Captain. I'm looking forward to P4, and I hope they do right by him. 600 words sounds about right for leaving out of a drabble *g* Of course, you could make good use of them and give us more, more, more ♥
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