I need to get my period....

Dec 26, 2004 14:24

Christmas has come and gone and this year was the lamest of all... not that I don't love my mom and my friends... but I'm pissed that life is kind of sucky right now...

I haven't been to church in a long time and I go on Christmas eve and now I don't want to go back... I feel fake... it's a good thing that Pam didn't go to church with me today cause I didn't stay for it... maybe it's cause Pam didn't go that I didn't stay... I don't know...

Amanda made me a really cool mosaic tile tray- it's bad ass- my mom got me some blankets and a ring- Amanda Meaghan and Pam said that they were going to buy me a bed- and they got me some pillows to symbilize- so that was cool...

SOOOO Pam and Amanda ate all (most) of the cookies that were left over that I was going to give to Ross... Thanks guys... so now I don't really have anything to give to him, cept for the brownies meg and I made... hopefully those will be ok...

I feel really shitty at the moment (Not like me personally I feel like shit, but I'm mad at everyone and want to disappear shitty)- It's just Chirstmas I guess...

We, Meaghan Pam Amanda and I were supposed to go to the movies yesterday- but Meaghan backed out and then it was decided that I was the only one with money and so we didn't go... I was supper bummed out-- I mean supper supper... It's not that big of a deal but to me it was- cause I hurried through a really well cooked dinner with my mom sister and nieces... so on top of feeling bad for leaving, I didn't really do anything... I felt like a schmuts when I got back to cause apperently after I left my nieces threw fits cause I left (they hadn't seen me in a really long time- and apperently the missed me) so that was kind of bad...

So I decided that I really really need to get my period, cause I'm on the verg of tears and I'm really upset... I can't even say most of the things I want to say cause I KNOW that it'll piss some people off... so I have all these emotions and I can't really express them... So there going to sit bottled up for awhile...

My Birthday is coming up- and I wish that I could have the same attitude that Sasha has about it... (I mean about hers) I just kind of want to crawl in a hole and wait til it's over... Or just jump ahead to the day after it so I don't have to live in the disappointment of it...

This is the first year that I have nothing planned for new years... and one more year has gone by and I'm still working on the same resalutions... well all but one- I did get my car this year...

So one more year has gone by and I still feel like a complete loser... so yeah... I think that's a good note to leave on...

Hope everyone's Chirstmas went good...
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