Yuletide reveal! Yay! A chance to squee and index.
I received a wonderful A-Team fic that was exactly and perfectly everything I'd requested:
Lord of the Fries by
liz-mo And then found out through the AO3 archive that she'd also written Hannibal/Face fic, my secret 'ship. I hadn't dared go actually *looking* for any fic yet, but stumbling on it was a pleasant surprise to test the waters.
I've read, I think, exactly 7 other yuletide fics so far this year (I'm a bad participant), so there's probably some other gems about for me to discover.
As usual, I'm having to suppress the desire to entirely rewrite my own story this year since I ended up having to cut most of my intended plot to get it finished in time. I think I at least managed to grab some of the Richard Curtis fun out of it. Here it is anyway:
(Sweeter than the Sweetest) Cherry Pie - Bernard and The Genie
And then I surprised myself with a last minute written-on-the-train-and-hastily-uploaded-Christmas-morning-super-experimental-not-sure-I-even-like-how-borderline-pretentious-and-under-researched-it-is fic:
Invisible - Hair
There are at two more prompts that I actually already have more than 500 words written for. I'm just not sure I'll ever finish them, given my usual track record for things with no deadline. Ah well, I'll see how it goes.