Jan 09, 2007 13:17

I find it so hard to understand this world, why does appearances matter so much to people? Why if someone says this is the correct way to dress do you listen? Why do girls find inspiration from anorexic models, telling them that "you should look like me if you want to be liked"

Why can't some people think for themselves?

Appearances, why do they matter so much? I really don't understand, where did smart come from? We were once apes just covered by hair and only killed to sustain our families/tribe. Why now is it imperative to have more than two pairs of shoes? Why do woman enjoy shopping and SHOE shopping for that matter? I can't think of anything worse than walking around a shopping mall ALL day buying "things" that next week I will be told are "out of fashion" BULLSHIT, I can think of so many other places I would rather be than shopping. I wear what I want, I wear what im comfortable in. What is trendy? Being judged by the clothes you wear. Does that really matter when you're about to die, will it all have mattered to you? Was it all worth it?

I ask these questions and I get no answer.

In the meantime here's something that made me laugh.....

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