Jun 20, 2006 17:38
Well, Mike called back. His cousin, his cousin's girlfriend and someone's little sister who's about my age was over his house. The first thing his cousin, Shawn, asked when Mike told him I was on the phone was "Have you guys had sex yet?" I was like 1) No, we've only been on 1 date since he's been back and 2) No, never ever ever ever!!! Well, this shocked Shawn apparantly because he got laid by his current girlfriend on the first date. Slut! But Shawn kept bringing it up and it was starting to bug me. I was so grateful when they finally left but I was really aggravated by his cousin. Mike could sense it over the phone, that's how bad it was. He kept asking what was wrong but I wouldn't tell him.
Then we started talking about his ex's and he was like, "Yeah, I've had sex with all but 3 of them. God was it great." And, of course, I get a little jealous even though I don't want to do that because he justs goes on and on. He finally asks what's wrong and I tell him I'm a little jealous and he immedeately backtracks. He asks how long he thinks we're going to last. Now, this is a horrible question because there's really no right, good answer. So I give a GENEROUS estimate and say a year. He gets all pissy and he's like "Only a year?" I gave up, knowing I had dug myself in a hole. I asked him what he liked about me (since I really don't have anything in common with those other girls) and he was like, "Well, you can make me laugh. And no one can do that except for Shawn (the cousin I officially hate!!!!)"
Well, after about half an hour, Shawn comes back looking for his coat and Mike starts telling him all this crap about how I hate him and how I only said we're going to last a year and blah blah blah. Shawn was like, "Yeah, I give you guys a week, maybe." I was seriously offended and wanted to hit him. Then I ask Mike why Shawn hates me and Shawn replied with a "You're too tense". He might as well have said I was a prude since I know that's what he meant. All because I won't fucking sleep with Mike. Gah! My mind boggles. When Shawn starts to leave again, I say bye over the phone and I can hear Shawn say "Shut the hell up". I'm seriously upset at this point but really don't want to discuss it over the phone. As soon as we started talking again, he could sense that I was upset and he asked what's wrong. After he asked a million times, I finally gave in and said that I just wished your cousin liked me better. I hear him shout back to someone (I'm assuming Shawn) "You're such a doufus!" And then I hear him screaming. I ask what happened and he said Shawn just punched him! And then, apparantly, he started hitting him with a plastic shovel, got into his car, got out a freaking PAINT BALL GUN and started shooting at Mike. Mike got his paint ball gun and shot him. Shawn's girlfriend got the paint gun and shot him and then, drove away. It was so bizzare but funny to listen to. Finally, when they left, he said goodbye and actually said to me before he hung up "Only last a year!" Whatever!
But, I went over to Vanessa's and me and her went for a walk. She started talking about one of her friends, Toni and how she was going to break up with her. Then she said her Mom thought she was a rebound girl to Toni and I was like "WHA!?! You guys were going out!" Vanessa seemed kind of shocked that I didn't know this. I asked if she was gay permanantly (now that I type that, I realize how offensive that was) and she was like "Uhhh...yeah." How did I not recognize this? I mean, I had suspicions but I never thought they were true. Turns out, she's been gay since last year! Again, how did I not notice? Wow...so that was just a...surprise. Not that I care, she's my friend either way. Just...surprised.
So that was pretty much my day. I'm sorry that I ended up writing so much! I'll give a nice big cyber cookie to anyone patient enough to read this!