Dec 12, 2009 13:48
I have decided to basically take a semester off from school. I will still be in band, and I'm getting an incomplete in my ceramics class so I can work up there in the spring. Other than that, I will have time for me, and to work on the house. I'm keeping the house pretty darn clean, with the exception of the boxes, but I'm working on that too. Eventually our house will be unpacked and clean. I even had it so clean that my Nana and Papa could come over (Nana is a HUGE HUGE HUGE clean freak) and they loved it. Everyone who sees our house is surprised that it isn't a typical 'starter home', it is a 'we could stay here forever (unless something went wrong and we had 4 or 5 babies at once D:) home'. I think that is the main reason that my mom's family didn't want to have the family christmas here. But after we have a housewarming party, I hope they see that there is indeed enough room for all of them. I think that the holidays would be better if it was on my turf.
Andy and I are most likely going to skip my mom's side's christmas this year. They are having it on Christmas day, the same day as Andy's family's christmas. Just a bit later in the day, but still overlapping. At the most, we will drop by on our way home. Which wouldn't be too bad, because it is going to be at aunt Char's house, and it is always better than Roxy's. I can even enjoy myself there.
I updated my list. I'm also wondering how I'm going to do some of the things on there because I'm not sure if I want to do them... hmm, I will figure something out. Or maybe change a couple, because what is life without change, especially if it is change for the better?