Good News...ish

May 25, 2008 17:17

Imperial Oil's 'Kearl' project in the Alberta Tar Sands has been delayed due to a water permit being revoked by the fisheries department.

Apparently the operation's projected annual C02 emissions being the equivalent of the annual emissions of 800,000 cars won't have a significant impact on the environment. This is what Imperial's environmental report said when they applied for the license. Hence it being taken away.

But let me see if I've got this straight: the Alberta government is basically saying to these companies, "You can mine for something that's going to aid in the destruction of the world as we know it just so long as you don't cause any damage along the way." What part of that makes sense, exactly?

But that's okay. What's important is that, according to this article, development might be delayed a year or more. Considering Kearl isn't supposed to start production til 2011/2012, this is somewhat encouraging news. A lot can happen in 4-5 years. Laws can change. People can change. Who knows, if it gets delayed enough, maybe it could be stopped altogether.

Hey, I can dream. :\
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