Cage again, bit longer than usual

Nov 22, 2005 10:42

Ar decided to lock me in the cage again last night. So I've gotten 3 nights in the bed with her since the last time. This one was a little longer than usual, about 9 hours.

Actually, we were laying together in the bed. I was talking a bit, sortof fantasizing about nasty play, as I often do. Not such a smart move on my part... next thing I knew she sat up and announced "let's put you back in the cage right now". Opps. And it was still somewhat early, about 9 pm.

Well, I was somewhat glad she decided to do it, but at the same time, it would have been nice to get to wake up in a while and have time free. She allowed me the little blanket and pillow, which were still inside from the last time, which as last Thursday night.

After a while I drifted to sleep, though I woke up right away, feeling like I'd only been out a few minutes. Of course, it's impossible to know how long, since it's completely pitch black dark inside the closet where the cage is set up, and it's utterly isolated from the faint nighttime sounds from the rest of the house.

I lay there awake, for a very long time. Really, a long time. Seemed like forever. There's absolutely nothing to do, nothing the see or hear, except little noises as my skin rubs slightly on the bar... which eventually seem like they might be distant sounds in the house, though I know they really aren't. The time drags on and on. I don't know why, but this time I just couldn't seem to get that tiny little blanket to cover me well. I did it last Thursday, but this night it eluded me, and there always seemed to be a very cold spot, on my hips, or my ass, or my lower legs, or feet, or side of my chest, always somewhere. It seemed as if it must be getting to be morning, but my legs weren't really stiff, no soreness in my knees. So damnit, it'd probably only been a few hours laying there. But it seems like forever.

Eventually I did sleep some, woke up a few times and lay there for what seemed like more endless hours, and drifted off to sleep. I did wake up again, to legs quite stiff, knees aching. More time passed by oh so slowly, but now I have something to think about... trying to find some way to arrange my legs and fold little bits of the blanket so my legs and knees aren't so uncomfortable. Nothing really works, but some things hurt quite a bit while other ways of arranging my body aren't quite so bad.

Some sound did come from Ar's computer, or something nearby. An annoying little beep. I heard her get up to shut it off. But I didn't hear her walk back to the bedroom, and I thought I perceived what might sound like her sitting down at the computer. So together with the aching in my legs, it was probably really early morning and she was likely on the computer. More endless time seemed to pass on, and I heard her go to the bathroom, and then pass near the closed door of the closet and on to the shower. She finished showering and went about around the house.

Suddenly the possibility that she might not let me out started to sink in. We've talked about it a few times. Exciting as it sounds, leaving me in all day long is pretty serious. And I was really not in good shape, legs really aching now, really needing to get out. But if she wasn't going to let me out, then I'd really have no choice. I wondered if she'd address me and allow me to talk, or if she'd just come get clothes from the closet and utterly ignore me, leaving me in captivity and isolation. Either way, I was already in the cage, door already locked, and we both agree its within her rights and power to leave me in as long as she wants. That certainly would have sucked, been really hard on me, but it really is her choice if she wishes it, which I know and accept.

Soon she did come into the closet, and paused, standing there without saying anything. I think she was testing, to see if I'd misbehave and try talking. But I remembered my little slip-up from last time (a little sign, almost said something but caught myself in time). This time, I lay there quietly, trying not to move. She poked her toes through the bars and wiggled them on the side of my leg. I might have made some very little sound, but I certainly didn't speak. She has so few rules, so little "formal" D/s for me, but this is one I know is very important, and I wasn't about to say anything. In another moment or two, she did indeed address me "Good morning my love", and of course then I replied.

She unlocked the door, swung it open, and oh my god what a relief it was to straighten my legs out. After a moment, I turned over, got onto hands and knees as best I can with the low ceiling of the cage, and crawled out. I stood up, thinking in that moment how strange it felt to suddenly get to be up so high, and we held each other. Oh, she feel so good.

I talked her into coming to the bed with me, at least for just a little while. Maybe a bit naughty of me, but it's lurering her back into bed is the sort of naughtiness she likes. Looked over at the clock and it was about 6 am. So I was in for 9 hours this time. We lay together for just a bit. She got up after just a little while, and I was seriously tired from having spent so much of the long night laying awake, and I feel fast asleep in no time.

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