Feb 13, 2008 12:40
Lately I've been feeling trapped. Everything is repetitive and nothing has changed all that much. I'm sick to death of college. I want to be done so badly but I know it's going to be at least another 2 years until I finish. And I know 2 years from now a bachelor's in what-the-fuck-ever isn't going to cut it. I know I'll have to go back. Today I ditched my 2 classes that I have on wednesdays. No big deal, they were just taking notes, I always pay attention to the syllabus. But I woke up this morning and just thought "screw this I want to be done". If I'm lucky I can be done with MCC next semester (or in the summer if I feel like it). After that...I just don't know. I don't want to go to Northern because it's too far. I liked Columbia College Missouri in Crystal Lake but the only Sociology degree they offer is completely online and I don't know if I could handle taking ONLY online classes and getting an online degree. It would make me feel...not well educated I guess.
On top of all of this I haven't hung out with people like I used to in ages. It's really just been Mike and I for a long time. And things with us have just been falling apart. I mean he works 8 hours a day monday through wednesday and I work nights for my new job at Hollywood Video. The job is easy for the most part (some things I'm still learning) but once again I'm trapped in a shitty, dead end, college kid job. I hope this one lasts, I really do. Anyways I think the work load combo of school and work for me is making me spaz and the heavy workload he has to carry is making him breakdown.
Things aren't terrible, they certainly can be worse. I just want a break, you know? I don't know.