Aug 03, 2008 16:47
Hello! I'm back. I've been away for three weeks.
I'm a seascout, which is known by some. And Three weeks ago, we got onboard on four of our boats; Anguilla (S30), Alutea (V30), and Aqua and Aloha (Albin Viggen). Destination; Sparreviken, north of Gothenburg.
It was an interesting week up. First sailing was about seven or eight hours long, from Skanör-Falsterbo, Sweden, to Helsingör, Denmark.
After that, I'm not sure what harbour we went to, but it was back in Sweden at least. I do know, however that the day we left Bua Harbour, was the day that Alutea's mast broke on the middle. Yep, it litterally bent in the middle. Looked kind of funny. Fortunately, no one got hurt, but it caused us to stay in Bua just another day.
Then we had to face another issue; Crews. We were now over-manned - too many people on each boat. But it worked out fine in the end. So, all was good.
Being on the so called 'Musical-boat', I was satisfied. Every tenth second we'd burst out singing with smiling faces. Thje absolute, well-repeated favourite was definitely 'What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor?'. Yep, sailing up was nice, so very, very nice.
Our last stop before camp was Ljungkile, a small stop in the middle of nowhere that we all became very familiar with.
Camp was also much fun and filled with laughter, despite the insufferable heat, sauna-like tents and bathroom service. Yes, bathroom service; more closely, The Poop Patroll. We had to clean the toilets ourselves. And it wasn't even toilets, seing as we didn't have any electricity out there, it was more of an outhouse. Yum.
But it was filled with water, sailing, bathing, kajaking, getting burnt by jelly-fishes and stung by bees. Real scouting, in other words. Then we also had people who 'really, really actually, deffinitely had to flatten their hair with their goddamned ironers. It's camp for fuck's sake!! No one gives a shit of what your fringe looks like!!
Sailing home was probably even more exiting seing as everybody where exhausted out of thjeir minds and everyone acted like hyperactive, perverted three-year-olds. Everybody had stomachcramps from laughing too hard at some point.
We also had contact with Sweden Rescue, when Aloha and the crew onboard never showed up to the harbour and weren't contactable 'cause neiher of the five person's mobiles were working and the battery was completely dead. So, no lanterns, no VHF, complete darkness on an ocean with strong currents. Great.
The people on board, however, were always very, very calm and had alot of fun whilst out and about while us in the harbour were stressing ourselves to death. But they got found and the coast guard's brought them back, safe and sound to us.
It's been very eventful, all of this, and I can't wait to get out sailing again. It's one of my absolute favourite things to do. :]
Cheers, xoxo,
Peaceypoo (Tanned and platinum blonde)