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In the virtual world it's easy to transform into an entirely different creature. With the click of a few keys and photo processing people instantly become more beautiful, braver and smarter. I think this is most apparent if you've ever played the online dating game. You exchange messages with someone, a few photos, and then when the time comes you meet a person entirely different from the prince you created in your head. Maybe their voice isn't what you expected, or their mannerisms or body language throw you off. It's a strange social experiment to be part of this scene. I tried it for a few months last year, but it doesn't work for me. Almost all of my past relationships started first as friendships and then progressed into something more. I still believe it's the most solid foundation for any relationship.
In my blog, I try to show you the true me. If you read me consistently it should be easy to understand my basic personality traits. The bloggers I enjoy reading most on LJ are the ones who do the same. They write with some sense of emotion and personal insight, rather than objectively. I've met two popular LJ bloggers during their visits to America. One personality was exactly as I expected, the other completely different. And when one of my readers visited DC, I shared a lovely evening with him and his wife. Wonderful, intelligent and interesting people. Exactly as I imagined from this reader's comments.
So today I show you something new about me. Recently one of my Russian friends celebrated a birthday. It's tradition for me to send foreign friends video greetings on special occasions, and in this one you can hear me speak a few Russian words. :) Yes, we all live and die by email and other forms of electronic communication. It's the way of the world but to me it sometimes grows stale and impersonal. Always better to see some animation in the face, some type of expression such that kind words and thoughts are adequately expressed and felt.
Can you understand my Russian in the video? The Russian phrase for "Happy Birthday" is very difficult for an English speaker to pronounce! Maybe I'll try a new experiment and record a short video greeting for you each month in Russian. It will motivate me to study and practice my Russian speech. Or maybe you will grow tired of seeing me? :) At least for today you can see me in motion and hear my voice. Это Я!