Dec 11, 2005 17:01
Five quirky things about me.
1. Whenever I wear my hair up and I use bobby-pins, I always stick an extra bobby-pin in the back just in case I'll need one later on in the day.
2. After I've been out at night and I get home, even if I'm extremely exhausted, I'll get online and check (in this order) away messages, yahoo, livejournal, myspace, facebook. I feel so cliche.
3. I sometimes sleep naked. Weird, I know. Get over it.
4. When I'm painting, I listen to whatever kind of music I want to reflect onto the canvas...even though all I do is splatter paint...
5. I don't like starting conversations on AIM. I feel like if they're not IMing me, it's for a reason.
There ya go Jenna.