Dec 05, 2005 19:10
Dear Yasmin,
Please start working soon.
In pain,
Elizabeth C. Ray
Dear Jenna,
Did you get that thing downloaded? We're fly. Happy 1 year and 2 months. Yeah. I don't know why I remembered but there ya go. Come home soon. I miss you.
Your bestest most obnoxious friend,
Dear Money,
Please appear out of nowhere. I don't know where I'm going to get you for Christmas presents plus gas plus all the fun things to do in December. Boo.
The Girl In Debt With Life
Dear People,
If I do not buy you a Christmas present please do not be upset with me. This does not mean I don't love you, it's just a sad realization of how poor I am.
In regret,
Liz Ray
Dear Body,
Please be cuter so I can be considered to be a Hot Box Girl...please?
Dear Auditions,
Please go well. You make me nervous. The end.
Anxiously yours,
Dear Katie Kapp,
I miss you dearly. Enough said.
Love times 20,
Your Skipping Partner In Crime
Dear Weather,
If you are going to be cold and wet, at least snow. It would be very much appreciated by all of Apex.
Dear Meredith,
Your body will let you dance. It'll be alright. Your audition will go fabulous.
Dear French Project,
I hope I can find a Barbie doll for you. I should probably stop procrastinating with you since you're really simple,
Je ne t'aime pas,
Dear LJ Readers,
You're beautiful. Thanksh. Break a leg at auditions if you are auditioning. If not, well break a life? Je ne sais pas. Je vous adore. Yeahhhhh yeahhh yeahhh.
Tits McGee