(no subject)

Nov 14, 2005 19:52

Okay, I really don't mean to update every day, but....

WHAT THE FREAK IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND MANCHESTER UNITED? I'm sorry kids, but Man. U.'s got NOTHING on Arsenal. Nothing.

...even if Manchester United is one above Arsenal on the league. But it's by one point. One point.

I just resent that it seems like the only Barclays team Americans know about is Man. U. -sigh grumble-

Meh, anyway- beyond that. Interesting day today. Interesting. I kind of muffed my way through my World History essay, but oh well. I did put in some details, and got the Chinese General's name right. Except for one letter.

Yeah, er, I'm sorry about rambling, but RENT comes out in 9 days and I'm happy but I have a headache and don't feel too great at the same time... I can't wait until thanksgiving break, really. It's like my whole life is lived looking forward to holidays, movie openings, birthdays. Sometimes I think I should live for something more...

But if I'm content at the moment, what's the point? The truth is that as humans, we don't take actions until we are discontented. Or most of us don't. I don't.

football, ramble, rant, rent

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