Aug 08, 2009 23:01
I am really, really not good at making goals.
When I did make New Year's Resolutions they were rarely ever remembered past February if that. To-Do lists are pretty much an empty promise unless they are stapled to my forehead (which I admit I have yet the courage and self-destructive tendencies to try). Temporary resolutions, like "I will try and finish my homework before X time" or "I will clean my room more often" , I've learned, incite a measure of passion in me before they peter out.
I don't know what it is in me that is so accepting of me letting my time get sucked away in such a manner, but I suppose part of it is lack of motivation. Things are working pretty well for now, with only the occasional poke in one direction or another. No real shoves, so why bother?
I could go in to more detail as to how I feel about this, but oh well! I do have one resolution for this year, which I'm sure will be relatively simple.
I'm going to go to the office hours of each of my professors this year at least once. Just 'cause.
And with that over, I have some news! I got a new iPod! I have named it (him) Sebastian, for no real reason only he looked a bit like one. He has these GAMES and CAPACITY and AWESOMENESS and can actually PLAY MUSIC for more than five SECONDS. Ahhhh so beautiful. 120 GB and sleek black and aaaaaaah so pretty.
shiny things,