Jun 16, 2009 17:59
You guys I am so tired and I have no idea why. Anyway. a few points: hanging out with friends the past few days has been fun, and I enjoy the more laid back approach to things. Plus I love pops concerts.
Also, if I ever acheive anything in life it will most likely be an award for "most awkward person ever around the opposite sex" award. Because it's sadly, sadly true. I mean. It's not even like I have to interact with guys that much in my place of work. My coworkers (all two of them) are female and yes there are a few undergrad guys doing research with their profs or whatever, with the rats mostly (or the snakes) who I see around occasionally but I don't actually talk to that many of the undergrads to begin with (read: none of them, especially not the mean asian girl and her cohort who always look at me like I'm crazy when I say something to them). There was one who introduced herself to me while looking for my coworker but I forgot her name. But that's more my fault than anything.
If you were wanting a story about my social awkwardness then WHAT LUCK HERE IS ONE: So I get into work this morning and I'm gonna feed the fish some brine shrimp, which requires melting about four mini ice cubes of the stuff into a small beaker with cool water. it's not exactly the fastest process around. And this rather cute guy who I saw relatively quickly upon entering asks me where the male frogs are and I'm like I KNOW THIS. So I point to it and open the door for him when he asks, then go back to waiting for my brine shrimp cubes to melt, stirring and looking at the fishtanks. Then the dude comes back in to load up the frogs into his tray thing, and being curious (but also trying in my own awkward way to be social and I'm sure I was probably blushing at this point because when do I NOT blush. Oh that's right, never.) I ask him where he's taking them because I haven't seen this process happen yet and I mean granted it is only my second week but it IS my second tuesday so by now I know what's up, thankyouverymuch. :P And frog dude gives me this blank look and is like "...upstairs? for experimenting?" like I'm accusing him of stealing the frogs or something and I'm like "OH I JUST HAD NO IDEA THAT'S ALL" And then he calms down a little and is like "Yeah we take these and inject them and then mate them with those" and I nod, not really all that enlightened but more embarassed at the ridiculousness of the situation, and nearly trip over a carton of fish juice as I go back to attending the fish. After saying something like "just curious!" I think I mumbled a little to myself and the fish while he was still in the room, too.
MAN GOOD JOB AT FLIRTING KATIE I KNOW RIGHT. That kid is no doubt taken in by my loose t-shirt, baggy pants, high socks (my "yes I can get nasty frog water on this" outfit) and slightly awkwardly pulled back hair. Oh. And the lab jacket. Can't forget the lab jacket with the rolled up sleeves I am a DAMN FINE ANIMAL LAB ASSISTANT YA HEAR.
I'm kind of amused by this particular encounter, it's just more proof that I will in fact never get less awkward, and also that I think everyone who has seen me about/works with me probably thinks I'm this antisocial nerdy freak now. Which, let's face it, is only partly untrue.
At least I have the ability to laugh at myself, even if everyone still thinks I'm insane. :D Oh. And apparently tomorrow (my day off of the Davidson job) is when I'm going to do some odd-jobs for my dad's company. WHAT NAO MONIES. hopefully I won't have to wake up early is all.