Jul 09, 2008 23:14
Here's the thing: I talk to myself in the car. I mean, I did it the first time I drove solo because I was freaked out and everything, but this is getting a little ridiculous.
I was getting upset because south blvd was like WHOA WAIT TRAFFIC TO THE MAX? REALLY? while I was driving to kung fu today, and I was freaked out about the car running out of batteries so I'd turned off the music and everything else possible. I mean, I don't stay on south blvd for very long at all, but long enough that it held me up for like 10 minutes...
Anyway. I basically talked to myself the entire time and CONTINUED talking on well after I'd passed the traffic, I mean, like, the kind of talking I usually reserve for stressful situations in front of a mirror, the kind of talking where I invent a character and just roll with it, usually someone annoying. In this case it was a version of me who is all upset about driving a car because it's "a huge deadly hunk of metal" (true) "and could totally kill someone" (also true) "and is expensive and bad for the environment" (true and true). I talked about this. To myself. With an uncharacteristic lack of guilt for the amount of "like"s I threw into the conversation, perhaps because I knew it would take a lot for the other party to get irritated.
But I mean, it was either that or sing along to my CDs at a disturbingly loud volume. Which I did on the way home.
I think the only reason I wrote this was if you were actually thinking I was, I dunno, sane. Because.. I'm not. Also, I watched a documentary about Ellen Degeneres today and was reminded that I have a BIG FAT GIRLCRUSH on that woman. AND SHE'S 50. She's like...my favourite female famous person. I think. :D YAY ELLEN.