Mar 16, 2008 21:07
Guess what book I just requested to be sent to my library?
I'll give you a hint. Its one and only review is "The master of those who know" --Dante.
That's right, it's The Basic Works of Aristotle as edited by Richard McKeon wherein it has Aristotle's complete Physics!
my nerdiness is only slightly justified by the fact that I'm reading this in order to actually have an idea as to what the kids at St. John's College are talking about when I visit there on Thursday. i'm not nervous. or taking advantage of the xx-small size of font.
seriously though? blah. today I proved myself kind of stupid, but I got to practice my driving, so that was vaguely stellar (I'm trying to branch out from using "cool", but at the same time, how is something vaguely stellar? sigh. One day I'll figure this language thing out).
Monday starts my official spring break, Tuesday is nothing (I think), and Wednesday is haircut day, Thursday is whoosh! off to St. John's, and I don't think I'm coming back until... Saturday? Maybe Sunday? Still not sure.
sketches are actually coming along quite nicely, although since I asked on DA as well I'm not near finishing them.. in fact I've mostly done the DA requests so far. >___> But if anyone still wants to request something that's fine. Or actually, you know, ever. -needs practice like whoa-
Yes, yes indeed (I really should update my mood theme with more pictures.)
st. john's,