I haven't posted a current photo of me in ages. So, here I am taken a few weeks ago.
I'm sitting here in the conservatory and the wind is blowing quite heavily. We have had some rain, but not the amounts that they have had in the north.
I have been enjoying my Christmas holiday by basically doing nothing. We always have so much planned all year that I have to admit that it is nice to just relax for a while! We haven't even left the house much recently! It will all ramp up again in the new year! Tonight I am baking a loaf of beer bread. I've never made it before, but decided to give it a whirl. We will see how it turns out.
New Year's Eve is going to be a party with two other couples and we are going to play games, make music and eat raclette. One of the couples has a raclette grill and we are going to use it. It should be a fun way to start 2016. :-)