Nov 08, 2006 20:10
So it's been an insane week. All the things I decided I wouldn't do so I could focus on MTNA are now staring me in the face and laughing. I've been trying to click them off one by one, and by click them off, I mean just get started on them.
For example, this is what should have been done or should be done within the next two days:
12 min. Song Lit presentation...which is tomorrow.
Vocal pedagogy paper...abstract due tomorrow.
Musical theatre review...tonight, and I definitely just started rehearsing "Wouldn't it Be Loverly" with a Cockney accent on Sunday.
Singers concert...tomorrow night. We need prayer.
Song and Aria Sheet/Character Analysis...due last week, but I'm praying he forgets about it until I can get a chance to deal with it.
But the cool thing is that I really feel like it will get done. I'm not quite sure how. Some of it probably has to do with me getting off livejournal and working on what I should be doing on the computer. But that's for about five minutes from now.
BECAUSE I have to tell all you lovely readers something quite amazing:
There IS a light at the end of the tunnel! I wrote out my schedule for next semester on Monday, and I realized a beautiful thing...I'm planning, effectively, my LAST SEMSTER! When I wrote out those classes, there was no, "and then the next semester I can take __, and then the next semester..." It was, "And then I'm done. But I don't have enough hours, so I'm taking Acting for the Non-Major and Swimming for Fitness."
All these semesters of hard work, and I'll be able to take a couple of classes, for the first time, just because I friggin wanted to take them. How incredible!
In other news, the application for the International Student Exchange Program which I've been putting off for after MTNA is now in the works. I wrote my two essays, one of which I need to shorten by 250 words, then translate into German. I've emailed my teacher from Middlebury with all the names of the schools which are on ISEP in Germany, and she told me which cities were the best. I also emailed the lady Coleman turned me on to who analyzed the teaching styles of all the teachers in Germany so I could find a decent teacher over there. I'm meeting with Dr. McCrillis, the advisor for ISEP, next Wednesday to make sure I'm going about everything the right way.
And then there's my Honor's Thesis. I can't believe it's already time for that. As one of the first three music students doing and honor's thesis, I'm part of a new trail-blazing team...meaning all involved don't really know what they're doing. It also means that anything we do will set the standard for all the people who come after us. If I have an advising teacher for research, everyone else will need one, etc. See, we're all doing lecture recitals, meaning we're giving a 45 minute lecture on all the ins and outs of a peice, then performing it. In my case, I'll probably perform it first, because it's unfair to ask me to talk for fourty-five minutes and then sing with the same voice. But, anyway, I found the perfect song to do it with. It's called "Geistliches Wiegenlied", and it's by Brahms. Really beautiful with a viola obbligatto.
And that's all for now. I wrote way too much. Whew.