Feb 15, 2007 15:25
Not so cool things about this week:
Computer's sound card has died. Can still play Neverwinter Nights well enough, but it's very strange without sound. Also, um, I now have no access to music until I get this thing repaired, which might not be until Spring Break. However, this may be incentive to pick up the guitar again and thereby keep myself from going stark raving mad.
Rather uncertain about today's Ethnomusicology exam. However, it is over and done, and I will not let myself worry when worrying won't get me anywhere.
Nature in Asian/American Lit is so low-key that I'm not actually sure what we're doing, which is somewhat unusual.
Cool things about this week:
The Vagina Monologues rocked so hard. Seriously. It had a lot more energy than last year, and I think people's acting and the choices they made were, for the most part, a lot better as well.
Writer's Club tonight. Boffer Club tomorrow night. Ari's Valentine's Day party on Saturday, for which I will make a gigantic batch of scones and distribute the presents that didn't get handed out over Generic Commercialized Winter Holiday of Fun.
Professor Dobkins, my Anthro Theory prof, has been gone all week, so class has been student-run and really low-key.
Other miscellaneous things:
I must make an effort to get to California for Ryan's wedding, now that I know a date. Must discuss with parents. Similarly, must discuss the possibility of getting to California in July to meet up with Becky.
Five weeks until the next Legacies event means I have a little extra time to grab a few more supplies and some cabin decorations, including an ugly potted plant, which is necessary.
Have I only been back to school for a month. Guh.