Mar 26, 2006 16:12
Wow, I haven't posted for a while. I've now got a myspace, and since that's where most of my local friends are, I've been hanging out there more. Anyways, I've been working on the school play. I don't act, because the only part I could have done really well was (A) a guy's part and (B) taken already by an AWESOME actor. We're doing Harvey, by Mary Chase. Back on topic, Meg...anyways, I've been painting flats, helping set up, doing make-up, helping people into costumes, etc. However, yesterday I found out that my friend's aunt had died, and she was going back to the States for the funeral. She was prompting, so I volunteered to take that over. So now I don't have to pay to go (not that it was that much in the first place...), I get to sit on stage behind my little curtain, and I still get to do all the other stuff. I think I might prefer this to acting anyway. I always get stage fright unless I've got a good part, one that fits with my personality. Unfortunately, there aren't many of those. Cookies to anyone who figures out what part I would have taken if I'd been the right gender and Cameron didn't exist!