finding out the truth?

Jun 05, 2009 11:48

Kamenashi Hayato; my son... my lover chapter VIII

Upon finding out his uncles are gay... and with each other..
And accidentally heard his supposedly tou-chan and uncle pi's conversation about him not being his son...
Lost in what he should feel, he ran out.
Should he feel happy? Sad?
Happy because now there is nothing that comes in between them, the bond of father and son.
Or sad, because the fact that he is not with his own father, and maybe the man doesn't want him, so he ended up In the care of the man he thought for 18 years as his father, but couldn't really accept him as one because of his feelings?

"Hi there..."
 He tried to contain his excitement, trying to whisper as soft as he could, so he won't startle this tiny new born in his arms.
 "Hi there little guy..."

The newborn slightly twitch, and his little tongue peeks out to wet his little lips.

"I'm your daddy..."

"Jin, he's so beautifull."

Soft voices behind the cameras commented.

"He is, right, kaa-chan?"
Jin beamed, though he felt like bursting in tears, tears of happiness.
"Baby... grandma, grandpa, and uncle Reio are here."

"They want to see you, sweet heart..."

"He's so tiny..."
Reio came into view, and stood next to him.
"Hi, I'm your uncle."

Reio gave the baby's cheek a very gentle touch, as if he's afraid the newborn will banish into dust.

"Let me see my grandson."
Jin's mom asked for the baby, and Jin carefully transfer him to her arms.
"You look like your father, baby..."

"I think you will be more handsome than your dad and your uncle put together."

Both grandparents laughed.

After both had a turn to hold him, Jin asked for the baby back.

He whispered.
"Grow up soon, sweet heart..."

"I can't wait to take you to soccer games, wear father-and-son matching yukatas to festival or on father's day..."

"I can't wait for you to talk and call me "dad"... "daddy..." or "tou-san" whatever you prefer."

He broke down and cried.

His mom laid a hand on his shoulder.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
"Is it wrong for me to want Kazuya to be here?"

"I know I don't have the right to say such things like that, but kaa-chan..."

He looked away, not wanting to let more of the tears to drop on the baby's blanket.

"I don't expect him to forgive me, I just don't want him to hate him..."
Jin cried.
"He's so innocent, he doesn't know anything..."

He couldn't even continue anymore as tears kept on falling down his tired handsome face.


"I love him so much, kaa-chan."
He buried his face in his mother's arms.
"I love Kazu so much but I can't... I can't let her abort him."

"I can't do that, kaa-chan..."

"I couldn't let her do it then, and I wouldn't do it now even if I am given the opportunity to turn back the hands of time."

"I can't... I won't let her... but Kazu..."

"Kazuya-kun asked you to tell Ayumi to abort the baby?"
She frowned.

He shook his head frantically.
"Kazu isn't like that."

"My Kazu is nothing like that."

Jin shook his head frantically.

"These are no one's fault but mine, kaa-chan."
He wiped the tears on his face with his sleeves, and took a deep breath before continuing.
"Kazuya's not wrong for walking out, nor is this child... my son..."

Quitely, Jin started crying again, biting his lips to muffle his cries as he holds the new born in his arms.

"Ne, Jin..."
His dad pats his head.
"What is the name of our grandchild?"

"Oh, right..."
Reio came into view again.
"What is my nephew's name?"

Jin chuckled a bit as his mom wipes his tears with her handkerchief.

"His name is Hayato."


"Hn... Hayato."
Jin nodded, smiling to the other three, and at the newborn in his arms.

Reio said softly.
"I don't know if this is the right time to ask or point or whatever..."

"But... why name him after..."

"After my character in Gokusen two?"
Jin smiled a little.


Both their parents looked at Jin, wanting to know as well.

"Because I hope he grows up like that Hayato."
He smiled softly.
"I hope this little guy will grow up like Yabuki Hayato."

His mom frowned.

"Well, I don't mean him following his delinquent-ness, everyone."
He chuckled.
"Just... everything of Yabuki's great personality."

"Yabuki Hayato is loyal to his friend."
He started.
"He obviously values his friends and family even though he doesn't show it much."

"He forgave his bestfriend Odagiri Ryu easily even though what Ryu did was a stab in the back..."
Jin shifts his hold on his son a bit, and sat down on one of the couch in the room.
"Of course I hope he is smarter than Yabuki and me."

He forced out a happy grin to flash it to his parents and brother.

"I hope my Hayato would at least have that Yabuki Hayato's characteristics."
He closed his eyes.
"To later forgive his dad, or Kazu..."

"Forgive Kazuya nii-chan?"
Reio frowned.

"Well, I don't know what the future will hold, Reio."
Jin smiled looking to his baby brother.
"I don't know what my son will think of me, or Kazuya, or everyone of us when he's older, when he understands everything."

"I don't know if he'll just shrug his shoulders and move on with life as it is, or will he feel betrayed or some sort like that when he knows all of these."

"I just hope he forgives his father, for bringing him into this world in this condition."
He looked at the baby lovingly.
"I don't know what the future holds but, I know that he will grow into a fine man."

"He will be the better man compare to his dad..."
Jin smiled bitterly.
"And he won't treat the one he loves the way I treated mine."

"He will grow up, and live with the one he loves, and he will cherish that person, and hope he won't be the cause of those tears that will fall out of his love one's eyes. He won't leave that love one for his own unexplained selfish reasons, he will always be there, to hold his love one's hand, and assure that person that he is there."

He shifts his hold on his son again, and lay him carefully on his laps.

He called him lovingly.
"Gomen ne?"

"Forgive tou-chan, okay son?"

"Tou-chan is not an example to follow, nor one to look up to."

"But, tou-chan loves you... I love you so much, son..."
Jin buried his face on the baby's blanket.
"I'm not worried about you one bit, baby..."

"For I know you will be greater than me, in so many ways."

"I hope you don't follow my foot steps, son."
He whispered.
"I don't know what will happen later sweet heart, but always know that, no matter what happens later, I will always love you."

"I love you, Hayato..."

Kame hit the escape key on his laptop and clicks on here and there to delete the file.
He took out the cd from the hard drive only to break it into pieces and threw it into the bins.
After that, he slumped down, crying on his knees near the trash can, the broken pieces lying on the bottom of it.

He found the original tape on his trip back to Japan few years ago in Jin's room in the Akanishis' house hold.
Jin's parents always welcome him with open arms to spend nights or weeks in their humble abode.
And everytime he visits, he would always sleep in Jin's room.

He sold their apartment because it's just too painful to be there alone after all these years.
All the stuffs that he couldn't let go are either in his parent's house, or in Jin's.
When he visits, he would watch tapes of them together, or of KAT-TUN.

Most of the time alone, but sometimes, T-TUN and Pi invites themselves to spend the night and watch it together till they called it a night.

When he wanted to pull out Jin's favorite shirt, he found the tape on top of Jin's hats collections.
He popped it in, and when Jin's mom wanted to call him that dinner is ready, she found him crying hysterically while hugging the shirt, calling for his lover's name, and even refused to let go or get out of the room.
Jin's mom cried along for she thought that he might have gone crazy.

He refused to go back to New York.
Kame lied on Jin's bed, the bed that they used to share together when he spent the night in the older one's house because he would be too tired to even go to his own house even though it's only three blocks away.
The bed where Jin held him for the first time, where they shared their messy first kiss, and where they shared their first times together.

Their first time when Jin's parents went away for a relative's wedding in the country side, and Jin thanking them for taking Reio along.

He didn't want to get out of there, he'll stay in the room, where he feels Jin the most.

And he wouldn't return back to New York untill a certain teen called him.
The teen's voice laced with worry, fear, and sadness, asking him why is he not homeyet.

"Tou-chan, did your business got extended?"
"When will you be home, tou-chan?"
"I want to go home too, I don't want to stay with Jay for too long..."

That same night, with a heavy heart, he left Jin's room, left Japan to go back to his- THEIR son.

When he got to Jay's house to pick him up, it was already 2 in the morning.
He thanked Jay's family for being so rich that they have live in maids and nannies, so they opened the door, and that he doesn't have to bother Jay's parents.

He brought Hayato to his embrace the first thing he saw him.
The boy was surprised at first but let out a happy squeal that he's there.

As tired as he was for lacking sleep, and just got out of a 13 hours of flight, he carried his son in his arms.

He made a copy of the tape on another visit, and never watched it till now.

It was taped few days after Haya was born.
Looking at the date on the bottom of the screen, it was the day that his lover came to him, trying to talk to him.
He left the older man there, and with a cold stare, he told him he had enough of it all.

Without another glance, not even bother to listen to what the older man had to say, he walked away from him.
The same thing he did on the day he told him the first time about his rendezvous with her.

And that same day, was the last he will ever see and hear from the older man.
The Last day he would ever see and hear his lover...

"I should've stayed..."
Kame picks up the pieces from the bottom of the bin, and held it in between his hands.
"I am the one to blame, baby... not you..."

"I'm such a fool..."

He would always regret that day.

He regret on walking out on the older man that day.

"I'm sorry, love..."

He doesn't even know why he was watching it again to begin with.
Maybe it's the fact that T-TUN and Pi are visiting at the moment.
Him being around them brings back those memories together with Jin.
All memories from the sweet to painful ones.

He doesn't even know the difference between happy and sad memories anymore.
For both brings him to tears everytime he recalls them.

Memories of him and Jin laughing together, of them two sharing sweet moments during concerts, reasoning it for just fan services, but only those who are close to them know the meaning of those glances or the so called "fan services" are their silent "I love yous" for one another.

Memories of them in their chibi days, of them and their first date, their first proper kiss, the first time they did it...

Then, there are memories of the six of them, getting into all sorts of troubles together, pulling successful pranks on fellow johnnies and senpai, fighting against each other, hard punches and kicks thrown at one another, and those would send them straight to the old man Johnny himself, and they would all be scolded severely.
But at the end of the day... they'd poke each other's bruises, knowing that it hurts, and tilt their heads back as they laughed it off.
And they would even scream in pain because their stomach hurts for laughing too much as they recalled their silly fights over spilled cream, or "I'm a better dancer than you are", or "I can sing better", or the silliest of all... "My boyfriend is sexier than yours" fight.

Something so stupid, that turned them into angry bulls, seeing red, then after a few hours, would bring them laughters, and they'd end up at Ueda's house for sleep overs or some kareoke place to sing silly songs, or just some random yakiniku place to eat.

To everyone else, these types of memories would put smiles on their lips.

To him, however, it will bring him to his knees, and Kame would break down and cry.

He is so greatful of them, but at the same time, when he looks at them, it feels like images of Jin is lingering around.
It was like KAT-TUN all over again.
Plus Pi, of course.

It breaks his heart then whenever they visit, and when they took pictures together, and he isn't in it, it felt as if a big chunk of puzzle was missing.

Yet now...
As he stares at a recent picture they took while they're sitting on the freshly fallen snow in Aspen Colorado, for some snowboarding and skiing trip, suddenly that big chunk of puzzle, is no longer missing.

It's been found, replaced.

It isn't the original piece, but they look the same.
Is it fair to that piece of puzzle to replace the original one?
Is it fair for that puzzle itself to not know the truth?

He told himself that he'll tell him, he'll tell their son about everything.
Yet, as Hayato gets older, his tongue tied itself, and it would bring him to tears to the thoughts of it alone.

Is it best for him not knowing?
Will he forgive him for not telling their son the truth?

Kame smiled bitterly, fate must've been laughing right now.
It's amusing, really.
One heck of a great drama.

His lover's gone, and fate, knowing that his love for him is strong, and he isn't one to just move on to another person just like that, fate made his son, to look like his dad.
His lover's exact copy.

They say each person in this world have at least someone that looks like them.
But this?
Kame thinks that this is a freak of nature.

A freak of nature caused by Fate or Destiny...
And life, because he has to live and go through with this.

Fate... Destiny... or Life... whichever, they're all the same to him.
Whichever it is, either it loves him or really hates him for they all work together, and make his life a living hell.
He doesn't know what he did to deserve all these.

He hates them.
Who he hates most, however is none of them.
Because the person he hates most is himself.

For thinking from time to time, most of the time, that the teen is him.
That the teen is his father instead.

Thinking of Haya as Jin, just to ease his aching heart.
Just to heal his wound even just for a moment.

Randomly embraces the teen, and when the younger one would ask sometimes, he reasoned that when he gets older, he will be too embarrased to be hugged by an old man later.
Or simply going in to the teen's room at night, and hold him while he sleeps.

And all those times, he would think of his dad, he would see him as his dad.
As Jin, and only Jin, always Jin.
He is embracing his lover... Jin.

Not his son, Hayato.


Hayato purposely let his bottom fall on the snowy ground, and detach his snowboard from his feet.
Then he took off the goggles, and sigh in content at the scenery in front of him.
Nothing but snow and big chunk of pine trees covered in snow.

So quite, and the only noise he hear are those people, mainly couples, trying to keep up with each other as they skii or board down the small hill.

It's the day after christmas, and he thought at least he won't see much couples around, but he was proven wrong when he walked to the hotel lobby, all he could see are couples snuggling with each other, holding hands, and kissing here and there.

Call him cheesy, crazy, or freaky, but everytime he see them; which is in every corner he turns to, he will always imagine it's him and his object of affection.
His forbidden desire.

His own tou-chan.

He thought by suggesting for a get away to Colorado is a great idea for winter break, even with his uncles in tow was such a great idea, but then again, who would've thought that all the couples in that state, and US' other 49 states also thought the same.

As if Aspen is the only winter sports resort in the country.
Why couldn't these people go to Pennsilvania for it, or upstate New York?
And damn him for forgetting to ask Jay the key to his cabin in Aspen.

At least that way he didn't have to see the couples in the hotel room, knowing of what they'd do once he saw them closing the door.

Damn those couples around him.

It's just not fair...

And sometimes, he had the urge to damn his own uncles, or even punch them; especially uncle Pi, for they can so easily throw themselves at his tou-chan.
Uncle Koki sometimes glomped him out of no where, and calls him "Kame-chan..."

The damn uncle who talks so fast, stinkin'  rapper wanna be, even makes kissy faces with his tou-chan.
And damn it, why is his tou-chan laughing!!!
It's just encourage that uncle of his to go on for a while.

He's thankful of Yuichi ji-san because he would tell uncle Koki to stop, it's inapropriate for a man his age to act that way.

But uncle Pi...
He swore that one of these days, he should tell his three best friends that; should he one day go to jail, for an accusation of murder, don't even bother to hire the best lawyer in the country, even world, to bail him out for his finger prints would be all over the victim's body, uncle Pi, and evidences of him killing the victim would be so obvious that it doesn't need the highest rank Crime Scene Investigator or the best detective to solve the murder to prove that he's the killer.

But then again, since his bestfriend is Jay, he's sure the other would hire a hit man to do the job, and act as if nothing happens.

His uncle Pi is way too affectionate.
Sure, uncle Koki pisses him off as well.
But uncle Pi is just pushing it.

And what's with those stupid whiny tone of his calling his tou-chan "Shuuji"?!

"HIS NAME IS KAZUYA, DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He stood up and yelled to the direction ahead.
Successfully stopping a group of people, and they all looked at him.


They were still staring at him.


Surprisingly, they skii their way down the hill after they heard the teen said that.


He mumbled, plopping back down on the snow.

Yeah, damn his uncle Pi.

But he loves his uncle Koki and especially his uncle Tatsuya for calling him an idiot and pig whenever he behaves like that.
That's why he got his uncle Tatsuya the second most expensive gifts for Christmas.
His tou-chan got the first, most expensive gift, of course.

Then comes Yuichi ji-san, Junno ji-san, uncle Koki, and then uncle Pi is last.

With a last sigh, he put on his goggles, and attached himself back to the board, and snowboard down the hill, and wonder around before he really goes back up to the hotel.

If Jay were here next to him, he would deffinately be a big help to distract those bitches away from him, at least.
Either Jay wants to fuck them, or just plain flirt with them, doesn't matter.
What matters are, that they're not throwing themselves at him, and pestering on taking them back to his suite.

And one heck of a suite indeed.
His tou-chan and uncles just rent the presidential suite right before the heir of an oil tycoon walked in.
Those lonely girls just couldn't keep their hands on themselves.

And damn those bitches for flirting with him while his tou-chan is around.
What does the older man think of him now?
He hopes that he doesn't give him the wrong impression.

And what piss him off more, are the ones that comes with their boyfriends.
Once their men turned around, they'd glance at him, and threw him those sexy looks.

He closed the door to the suite, and found the living room empty, and all the bedroom's doors open except the one uncle Tatsuya and Junno ji-san shared together.
He figured they must've either gone to the hot springs, go for a skii again, or souvenir shopping.

He walked to the kitchen, and opened one of the water bottle.
Before he makes his way to his room, he saw his phone vibrated on the couch.
He picks it up, and read the text messages.

He shook his head as soon as he knows the sender.

"Damn Jay."

He walked to the veranda, stepped outside.
Leaning on the rail, he started texting with one hand, and occasionally takes gulps from the bottle with the other.


Hayato looks up from his cellphone upon hearing the voices inside.


He saw his Junno ji-san, clad only in boxers, and his upper body full of... hickeys?!

"Junno ji-san brought back some random girl back to our suite?"
The teen mumbled to himself.

The older man in the room didn't notice someone watching him, nor did he notice that the window to the veranda is open.

"Are you not cold like that?"

His Junno ji-san crossed his arms, a playful smile on his lips.

"Go back to bed, I'll just get something to drink and eat for us."

Haya hears a shuffle, and he thought that the random girl his ji-san brought home is walking up to him.
He felt like he should let them know that he's there.
Or maybe go further down to the other end of the veranda, and enter his tou-chan's room.

Yes, he thinks so too.
But before he could even make a turn, the other person, showed themself, or HIMself in his line of sight.

Junno bit his lips.
"This is almost as cold as Hokkaido, you know."

"I don't want you to get sick."

The older but shorter man walks his way towards the taller one, and wraps one of his arms around his neck, and the other clasping on the blanket that is hanging dangerously low on his toned waist.
"Then... you should warm me up again..."

"You know... body heat is best, and plus... bed room activities..."

Hayato couldn't even blink.


Jun? All these times, I heard him say JUNNO... never this "JUN"

H-hey... what is uncle Tatsuya doing-

"Come on, baby...."

Junno moaned.
"We- we've had it for 3 times already..."

"Jun~ we've done it for 7 times before, didn't stop you for more then."

Hayato hated himself for understanding those things his uncles are saying to each other.

Damn why does he understand those of all the things.
Of all the previous convos they have, why does he have to fully understand these?

"We were in our twenties then."
Another moan from Junno.

"I'm... I'm 40, I don't have the same stamina..."

Haya's jaw could drop if he could at least move it, because his uncle Tatsuya's hand did not just disappear down  Junno ji-san's boxers.

Ueda pants.
"I'm 42, and I think I can have another round or two."

Junno tilts his head back and moaned.

"Or three."
Ueda added.
"Jun... come on..."


In one swift moment, the teen saw his tall uncle lifts his smaller uncle, blanket fall down on the floor.

"If you can't enjoy the rest of our vacation because you'll be limping the whole time we're here, don't blame me, love."

Oh, sure, he doesn't understand that, is it not perverted that his mind turned of his bilingual abilities?

"Do I need to beg for sex to my own lover?"
Ueda groaned in frustration.
"My own lover for more than 22 years."

Junno laughed.

"Let's go, hime."
He gave Ueda's butt a pinch and a slap, earning a satisfy groan from the man.
"I feel like eating a princess tonight."

He bent down to get the blanket and soon, the teen heard a door being shut.


It took him another 15 minutes to realize that he could move.
Haya walked back to the suite only to walk out from there, and escaped to one of the pool resorts in the hotel.


All the lifeguards in the area turned to the panting handsome guy.
He took off his clothes, down to his underwear, and dove in to the pool.

"No way, no way no way no way..."
He shook his head.
"No no no no no no no no no."

"My uncles are... they are not..."

"No, uncle Tatsuya is not seeing Junno ji-san."

"T-those hickeys, they could be from his one night stands..."

"Uncle Tatsuya's hand did not squeeze ji-san's cock-"

He felt slightly different all of a sudden.
Especially in between his thigh.

"No... the water makes me hard..."
He shook his head.
"Swimming makes a guy hard... right?"

"Riley fucks those girls after he finished practice, in the pool, because the water made him hard..."
He laughs nervously.
"I-I didn't imagine my self in Junno ji-san's place, and instead of uncle Tatsuya, it was Kazuya-san's hand slipping in, squeezing my-"

He slapped himself hard across his cheek, and dove in to the water.

"Hot, but... weird."
One of the lifeguard commented.

The other rolled his eyes.

He accepted it so fast, and although it was shocking, and he wasn't wrong for being shock because he had to find that out that way.
But, he's okay with it.
They're his uncles either way, and they love him, and he loves them too.

But he didn't expect that his two other uncles are the same.
At least, he didn't find it out under the same circumstances.

He saw uncle Koki and Yuichi ji-san sitting on the hills he told them about.
And when he wanted to approach them, suddenly, his uncle wraps his arms around the older man's shoulder, brought him closer, and kissed the older man's temple.

Now, he knows they're all bestfriends.
Knew each other since they were little.

Riley, Jay, Nick, and he knew each other from little as well.
He knew Jay since kindergarten, and the other two in junior high, 5th grade was it?
And they're all bestfriends ever since.

Surely... he never gave neither of the three a peck on their temple.
Or wrap his arms around them to bring them closer to him.
He never see them doing that to each other.

He never see Riley laid his head on Jay's shoulder, and call him with a tone full of affections.

That's just... creepy.

He turned around and nodded to himself.


His uncles are gay, and in relationships with one another.
That explains why Junno ji-san is always quick on his feet when uncle Tatsuya looks at him in a certain way.
And it explains why uncle Koki stops his kissy faces and glomps when Yuichi ji-san gave him a small warnings.

He isn't mad at any of them.
Rather, he envies them.

He wishes he could be like that with him.
Why did he have to be born as his son?
Not as a friend, and later work his way as his lover?

Hayato stopped from walking further, and a single thought hit him.

"Does that mean... he's gay as well?"

"And uncle Pi too?"

In the end, he decided he doesn't know anything.
Pretending like nothing happened, and he didn't see anything.
Of course, he can't look at both his uncle Tatsuya and Junno ji-chan in the eyes as of yet.

But when he glanced at the couple on the plane on their way back to New York, he saw Junno ji-chan wrapped the blanket around uncle Tatsuya's body, making sure that the older one is not cold, he couldn't help but smile.

And when he looks at the other seat, his uncle Koki and Yuichi ji-san, how they share a happy laugh together, and his uncle Koki throwing those loving looks at the older man...

Hayato couldn't help but smile and wish, he can be like them.

It's not like he's mad at them for keeping all these from him.
And in a way, he understands why they're hush hush about the matter.
They're not telling him because they were afraid of what he would think of them.

He envies them, above all.
Wish he could be like them.

But, as his tou-chan's head gracefully falls down on his right shoulder, the older man wonders off to dreamland, he couldn't help but smile wider.

For now... he thinks it's okay being like this.
But only for now...
Because each day, the feelings for the other, grows bigger and stronger.


The teen roared.

"I did!"
Jay glared at him.
"Look, captain, if you don't feel like it, why not call it a day?"

"Do us all a favor, if the captain himself isn't concentrating, what's the point in practice?"
He sighed.
"Take it from your right hand man."

He was growling, but he knows his co-captain/bestfriend is right.
The captain, which is him, needs to call it a day if he himself isn't concentrating fully in the practice.
How can he, when all he thought after coming back to school from vacation was his object of affection?

And it didn't help that they're sharing room together because his room is occupied with his uncle Koki and Yuichi ji-chan.
Sighing, he called out the rest of his team and ordered them to go home.

"Okay... what's on your mind?"

Jay slammed his locker and leaned on it, waiting for his bestfriend to finish cleaning up.

"I'm just... tired."

"Ah... I see, you went to Colorado, while your dearest Kazumi is somewhere else?"
He grinned.
"One conclusion from your dearest bestfriend,"

"You need to get laid."

"Jay, don't even start with me."

He slammed the locker and headed out of there.

"HAYATO! You really do need to get laid, it'll do you and everyone of us on the team a favor tomorrow!!!"

All the girls in the parking lot scurried their way to Hayato's line of sight.
Throwing him their sexy glances, use their needy, sexy voice to lure him in.
And, even daring enough to flash him their chest in this cold weather.

He rolled his eyes and once he started his engine, he drove off.

After he parked his car, he made a pit stop at a small cafe, to get himself a cup of hot chocolate.
Sighing all the way up to his 23rd floor apartment.


He stopped short over what he saw through the living room veranda.

His eye candy, with his uncle Pi- AGAIN.
The hold on the door knob, which he hasn't released tightened.
He held himself from throwing the hot cup of coco to his own uncle.

And what's worse, his uncle Pi is hugging his love from behind.


He caught the older man's voice, as soft as it was, he could still hear it.

"It won't be fair..."


"Hayato's old enough, Kame."

He heard his uncle's protest.

"I'm sure he'll understand."
Pi rest his head on the younger one's shoulder.
"I know he will understand all of these situations."

"Of yours, mines, and the others."
Pi's hold on him tightened.
"Ne? Give me... give me a chance..."

What are they talking about?

The teen frowned, and slowly, trying to make no sound, moves closer to the veranda.

"I know he's my bestfriend, and with me doing this, you'd think i''m betraying him..."
Pi sighed.
"But... I think he wants you to move on, and be happy."

"And Kame, I can make you happy."

The teen frowned, trying to translate everything in his head.

"I am happy, Pi."

You're happy, tou-chan?

"And... I can't..."

Kame lets out a heavy sigh.

"I can't, Pi..."

"Why? Is it because the fact that I'm his bestfriend?"

Ah... I wish I have a translator around or something!!!

Kame shook his head.
"That's not the main reason."

"Then, what is?"

When the teen saw his uncle released his hold and turning the other around to face him, Hayato went to the side, and hid behind the wall.

"Is it Hayato?"

Kame looked away, eyes glassy with tears.

"I still love him."

Pi let go of the younger one, and rest both his hands on his side.
Everytime, the other would refuse, and everytime, he would get his heart broken.

"I'm sorry, Pi..."

Yamapi nodded, forcing a smile.

"I guess Ryo-chan was always right, ne..."
He scoffed.
"But I'm just stubborn for always pushing it."


Pi took a deep breath, hoping to steady his voice.
"Ryo-chan said, that it's useless."

"It's useless... to even get you."

Kame frowned.

"At the moment I thought, Ryo-chan wanted you for himself when both that baka and I are not paying attention."

Pi chuckled.

They're talking about uncle Ryo...?

"Ryo-chan was right then..."
He nodded.
"And he's right even now."

"It was useless, Kame, because you were never mine, nor Ryo-chan's to begin with."
He swallowed the lump in his throat.
"And that we would never stand against our own bestfriend, when it comes to you."

"But, Kame..."

Pi wiped the tears with the back of his hand roughly, and stare at the younger one.

"While Ryo-chan gave you up, while he admitted defeat..."
He stuttered.
"I couldn't bring myself to do the same."

"I know it's wrong, and he's my bestfriend, but damn it, Kame..."
He look away, letting his tears fall down freely.
"There are times where I really want to destroy him then..."

"I really want to steal you away from him."
He closed his eyes.
"For all those things he've done to you..."

"Any other person, they'd leave him right away, and guilty as charged, I was hoping you would."
He shook his head.
"Sorry, Kame..."

"I'm sorry I failed as a bestfriend to both you and him."

Tou-chan.... is crying...

Kame smiled a bit, wiping his tears, he nodded to the older man.

"I think you're a great friend."
He pats Pi's right shoulder.
"You're a great friend to both of us, because if you weren't, you'd abandoned Jin a long time ago, and manipulate him, and have your way with me."

Pi smiled, and that made both of them to chuckle a bit.

"I just..."
Pi took his hands in his, and look him straight in the eyes.
"I just want you to be happy."

"I am."
He smiled.
"I am happy, Pi."

"I have him... And Jin..."
A lone tear trailed down the pale cheek.
"Even as memories."

"I have Jin in my heart... and Haya here..."


Kame looked down, and cried his heart out.

It hurts...

"With Haya here... he fullfills that empty space."
He sobs.
"Because Haya is here... I am happy."

The teen leaned on the wall, and closed his eyes.
He doesn't know what's going on out in the veranda, but with his love one crying like that...
With the older one crying like that, he felt as if his heart is torn into two.

He wanted to go out there, and grab the man, and embrace him tightly.

He doesn't know what they're saying, but he wants to go out there and just-

"Even though Hayato is not your son?"

Uncle Pi's voice is not loud, yet to him, it was as if the man was speaking into a microphone.

"Hayato. Aitsu wa, omae no musuko ja neen da yo..." > Hayato... he's not your son.
Pi said again.
"Honto ni omae shiawase ka, sono mama de?" > Are you really happy with that?

Hayato... aitsu wa, omae no musuko ja neen da yo...
Hayato... he's not your son...

Omae no musuko ja neen da yo...
Not your son...

Omae no musuoko ja neen da yo...
Not your son...

Ja neen da yo...
Ja neen da yo....

He's NOT yours...


At that moment, he dropped his duffel bag and the hot chocolate he was holding to.


He was panting...

Pi turned around. 
"Sounds like someone dropped something..."

"Did Junno break another one of your cup..."

Pi chuckled a little at that.

Kame wiped his eyes, and took a deep breath, trying to look as if nothing happened.

Both of them left the veranda, and went in to the living room.

"Oh... what's up young man?"

Koki stepped out of the teen's room, and greeted the owner of the said room, who is leaning on the wall, face pale, and panting slightly.

"What's with that face? You look like you've seen a ghost outside in the cold."

"Koki, that doesn't make sense."

Ueda walked in to the living room as well.

Kame smiled.

"You're home early."
Maru pointed.
"Are you okay?"

The teen adverts his eyes to his uncles, and then to his tou-chan.

"You must be hungry, ne..."
Kame walked towards him, and pats his face.
"Tou-chan made some panini before, I'll re heat it for you now, okay?"

"Oh, yeah, your tou-chan's panini was so delicious!!!"
Junno pats his own tummy.
"Kame, I want one too please!

"Your tou-chan's a great cook, you kno-"

"He's not my tou-chan."

Kame stopped walking, and turned around.

"What do you mean, Haya...."

"You're not my tou-chan."
He stated.
"You're not my dad."


"You're not my real father, right?"


Kame slowly walked back to him.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes in the process.
"Boku wa... anata no musuko ja arimasen desu yo ne..." > I'm not your son, right?

"Hayato, you probably heard wrong."
Koki shook his head.
"This isn't the only time you're mistaken some-"

"Uncle Koki..."
He turned to the man.
"Boku wa chigaimasu yo." > I'm not wrong.

"Ne? I'm not wrong..."

"Haya... Haya, I-"

The teen shook his head.
"You don't need to explain, I understood that much."


Ueda stepped up.

"I know about you uncle Tatsuya."
He smiled sadly.
"Junno ji-san and you are in a relationship, ne?"

"And then same goes to uncle Koki and Yuichi ji-san."

The four was startled by their nephew's statement.
If this was other occasions, they could praise him for using correct Japanese in more than one sentence.
But this isn't one of those, so they kept quite.

"H-how did you..."

"I'm not mad."
He shook his head.
"I wish you guys could've told me yourselves."

"I know all of you are not my real uncles, but... I am your nephew after all, ne?"
He forced a smile.
"I'm not mad nor disgusted."

"As a matter of fact, I'm happy for you guys."
The teen took a deep breath, and let out a tired sigh.
"I wish I could have what you guys have someday."

He eyed his tou-chan.

The teen turned around, walking towards the door.

Kame called out.
"Haya, I can explain."

"I know you can."

The teen said calmly, one hand opening the doorknob.

"Just... I don't really want to hear it."

And just like that... he walked out of there, closing the door behind him softly.


In the end, he went to his bestfriend's place to crash for a moment.
He went back home around five in the morning.
The place is quite, he assumed the adults were already in bed.

He quitely made his way to the kitchen, and opened the fridge, in search for some drinks to quench his thirst.

He thought of what happened tonight... he didn't know why he walked out of the apartment.
Is he mad?
Is he upset?

He leaned in the fridge, and sighed for the millionth times.


He turned to the source of the voice.

"Thank goodness you're okay."

The older man made his way to him, and embraced him.


He returned the embrace immediately.

"Sorry, I walked out like that..."
He mumbled.
"I just..."

"I just don't know how to react..."

Kame released his hold around the teen, and looked up at him.

"Are you hungry?"

He shook his head.
"I'm... I'm going to bed."



He caught the teen's wrist.

"I'm still..."
He swallowed the lump in his throat.
"I'm still your tou-chan, sweet heart."

"It doesn't matter if you're biologically mine or not."
His hold tightened.
"You're my son... and I love you so mu-"

"You don't understand me at all, then."
He shook his head.
"You don't understand."

"Are you mad, sweet heart?"
Kame cups his cheek.

"I don't know."
He mumbled.
"Should I be?"

"No, you shouldn't, Haya."
Kame smiled.
"Because I love you. I love you as my own, so don't you worry about a-"

"Where's my real father?"

Kame's eyes widened.

"Did he chickened out and walked out on me?"

"Did he think that I would ruin him if I stick around?"
He released himself from the older man's hold.
"Did he not want me?"

"Haya... does it matter?"
Kame cried.
"I love you as if you're my own, and I will always love-"

He exclaimed.
"I know you love me as your son, but-"

"I hated him for putting me in to your care."

Kame frowned.

"My father."
He said the word sarcastically.
"Ne, I'm an unwanted child, right?"

"I'm a mistake he shouldn't have made, so he threw me aside, and then I ended up in your care."
He scoffed.
"Some bastard of a father I had, I'd love to see how he-"

A hand came accross the teen's face, shutting him in the process.

Hayato held his burning cheek.

"Oh my- Hayato..."

"Don't touch me."
He slapped the smaller man's hand away from him.
"Just answer me."

"That's enough!"
Kame grabbed the teen by his collar and forced the other to look him in the eyes.
"I'm your tou-chan!"

"No you're NOT."

"I AM!"
Kame spat.
Whether you like it or not, I am your father."

"I am not your-"

"Blood line or not!!!!! I am still your tou-chan!!!"
Kame growled.
"And you... you will respect me, like every other good sons."

"You have to respect me, like the good son you should be."
He glared at him.
"I raised you, and I won't tolerate with-"

"I don't see you as my father."
He whispered.
"Never see you as one then, don't see you as one now."

Kame gasped, his heart shattered right there and then.
One by one, tears started falling down his beautiful, barely wrinkly face.


"I failed..."
Kame wiped his tears frantically.
"Sorry you feel that way, son."

The teen looked at the other dumb foundedly.

"I-I've treat you as my own."
Kame sniffed.
"I didn't care if you were mine or not."

He bit his lips, forcing himself to stop crying.
But he gave up, and just let it all out in front of the teen.

"Your... tou-san, ne..."
He smiled through the tears.
"Wasn't that type of man you assumed."

"He was not like that, Haya..."

Kame shook his head slowly, wiping his tears with his sleeves.

"Your dad..."
Kame sobbed.

"He and I..."



Minna-san....Hello everybody... *gulps*
I know it's taking so long, and this sucks, and I'm not really satisfied on the last part *pouts*
I don't know what I'm thinking, but... I hope this works.
To everyone who reads this... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
You guys are so nice!!! And I never mind the pokes, pokes are love from you guys!!! *hugs*
It just encourage me more, and it tells me that you want to read it! :)
I'm still a newbie, and thank you so much for going easy on me... *huggss tight*

(SUMMER TIME!!!! WUAH!!! I want to read LOTS of fics by all those wonderful authors in the community!!! I can't wait to flail about AKAME-ness!!!!!! *their rabu rabu makes me go fluffy & tingly inside... I can't wait!!!)

But anyways....

Chappie 9... is pick up from the last line.
Will Kame tell Haya about Jin?
And what will happen?
Is Haya upset?
Why did he run away?

*hey, I should run away too, right?* *gulps*

Once again, everyone, thank you so much!!! *hugs*
I'll do better and do my best on chappie 9 (GANBARIMASU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Please, don't hesitate to pin point anything. :)
And... as always, comments are always LOVE!!!

thanks again!!!!

*leaves mountains of cupcakes behind* (is now hiding in a shell)


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