September 5th

Sep 05, 2014 13:31

Sorry, once again it has been while since I've posted. I have a new computer since the logic board on the old one fried, so to speak. Not too much fun but it is at times like this that you learn why you back up everything you do during the day. I didn’t have any problems. Only one thing, the word processing and accounting programs I used no longer work with the newer OS and being able to get into the old files is a kerfluffle.

I read that…”NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell sent a letter to NFL owners today admitting he made a mistake in the Ray Rice case and announcing stiff penalties for players who commit domestic violence -- six games or more for a first offense, and a lifetime ban from the NFL for a second.1 It’s a stunning victory for women, and for NFL players, staff and fans.”

I happen to disagree with the use of the words stunning victory - the NFL should ban them on first offense. Period.

Just a short comment on stars and the hacked cloud kerfluffle. Why did you take the pics in the first place?

I’ve been making a bunch of hexes from scrap fabric for a new quilt and decided that watching tennis I’d assemble a few blocks using some of the hexes that are already done. Truth be told the box holding all of them is kinda overflowing so…

OH, ya, it is turquoise and red.

I hope you all have a great weekend! Tennis is on the schedule for us. There is oodles of stuff to read below since it has been so long. Get a cup of coffee/beverage. Have a good one!

Recommended Reading

Police Officer Threatens To Shoot Reporter Live-Streaming Protests In Ferguson

Oklahoma Gets Hit With 20 Earthquakes In One Day

California Supreme Court Cuts Back Fifth Amendment Right to Remain Silent When Questioned by Police

Disgraceful! Male Senators Called Kirsten Gillibrand ‘Chubby,’ ‘Fat’ and ‘Porky’

Think the Southwest’s Drought Is Bad Now? It Could Last A Generation Or More

Leaked Audio Suggests Koch's AFP Violated Law During Walker Recall

Leaked Audio Suggests Koch's AFP Violated Law During Walker Recall - good

Time Travel Simulation Resolves “Grandfather Paradox”

Doctors Without Borders on Ebola's spread: "World is losing the battle to contain it"

Another man dies during routine traffic stop; Cops withhold all information.

Bárðarbunga: A Brief Update (updated x2 - scientists evacuating) - just follow this guy’s boog for all the latest. The images are stunning!

What can we learn from 800,000 public comments on the FCC's net neutrality plan?

Epic Drought in West Is Literally Moving Mountains

Deep sea 'mushroom' may be new branch of life

Petrel slump: Effort to halt birds' decline on St Kilda

New york photo exhibition challenging negative stereotypes of ginger men

Westerns director Andrew McLaglen dies aged 94

Colchester Roman jewellery found hidden under shop

'Silly walks' Buckingham Palace Guardsman under investigation

Milky Way is on the outskirts of 'immeasurable heaven' supercluster

Police's Latest Horrifying Anti-Protest Weapon

Barely Literate? How Christian Fundamentalist Homeschooling Hurts Kids

The House of Representatives Has Been Bought. Here Is Definitive Proof.

'Dreadnought' dinosaur yields big bone haul

BP found 'grossly negligent' in 2010 Gulf oil spill

Patriot Act’s Absurd New Spawn: Just When You Thought it Couldn’t Get Any Worse

Caught on Tape: What Mitch McConnell Complained About to a Roomful of Billionaires

Seven Disturbing Quotes From the Koch Summit Recordings

Huge Dam Removed, Fish and Critters Happy, Union Jobs Saved

Police let their dog urinate on Michael Brown memorial, then drove over it

You’ve Got Face Mites - this will get my mom going. LOL!

Meet the climate deniers who want to be president

Need a Manual?

This Might Be Jon Stewart's Best Rant Ever

10 Scientific Reasons To Add Cinnamon To Your Diet¤t_page=1#bookmark

House Candidate Called Female Senators "Undeserving Bimbos in Tennis Shoes”

Top Immigration Court Hands Huge Win to Battered Women Seeking Asylum. Conservatives Freak Out.

Your Cellphone Company Says Your Location Info Is Private. Think Again.

The People’s March - a word from Jim Hansen

Police seize gamer during live broadcast - why?

Four-storey tall 'earth harp' makes music off the walls

Hoping to strike gold in the California wilderness

Millions of historic images posted to Flickr

Iceland lowers alert for erupting volcano

Why the Additives in Processed Foods May Be Even More Dangerous Than You Think

Outraged Animal Advocates Demand Firing of CEO Caught on Camera Kicking a Puppy

Sign the petition:

California passes law mandating smartphone kill switch - yep, just why we need to do, give the militarized police a way to shut off the phones.

'Leftist Commie Scum' Russell Brand Hilariously Destroys FOX News In Ongoing Feud

Bárðarbunga: New Eruption in Holuhraun, w/100m Lava Fountains

Pennsylvania Makes Public 243 Cases of Fracking Contaminated Water

Crash Landings - :)

Why Government Researchers Think We May Be Living in a 2D Hologram

Charles Koch Personally Founded Group Protecting Oil Industry Hand-Outs, Documents Reveal

7 Fascinating Scientific Mysteries: Black Holes, UFOs and the Origins of Everything¤t_page=1#bookmark

What is the blue light from our screens really doing to our eyes?

Which 37 House Democrats Voted with the GOP to Poison Your Water?

Sentinel system pictures Napa quake

Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador: Increased activity

Don’t want to give police your name? You may be arrested. - see if your state requires you to identify yourself

Jay Adams, Who Changed Skateboarding Into Something Radical, Dies at 53

Leaked Docs: How a Secret FreedomWorks Donor Sought a Return on Its "Investments"

Anyone With a Concealed Carry Permit Can Now Come Dangerously Close to the White House

What Happened When an Extremist, Christian Fundamentalist Got to Run a Whole State

America’s Stupid and Self-Obsessed Capitalist Culture, Perfectly Lampooned by ... Weird Al?

Israeli Officer's Insane Justification for Killing a 13-Year-Old Girl¤t_page=1 - bookmark

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Coder livetweets sexist remarks allegedly made by IBM executives

The Creepy Reason WalMart Ice Cream Fails to Follow Laws of Nature

Oil company fights against the climate change it creates

While Americans Work To Make Ends Meet; Here Are The Real Takers In One Image.

After disagreement, UPS driver hands Georgia man a noose

The Rights of Pregnant Women are Abridged

Mother Jones: NRA's Top Attorney Convicted Of Shooting/Killing Single Mother In 1964

Coca-Cola makes feel-good commercial about modern slavery - Coke, such scumbags!

Stephen Colbert looks at the Sarah Palin Channel

Senator Denies Climate Change On Senate Floor And Gets A Science Lesson From His Colleague

Tea Party support linked to educational segregation, new study shows

Absurd Creature of the Week: Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Wears the World’s Most Unbelievable Camo - x

Astronomers weigh up Milky Way

Do We Have the Big Bang Theory All Wrong?

Utility Trade Group Funds ALEC Attack on Americans Using Solar

***3rd Crater Found In Siberia. Earth's "Dragon Breath" Is Coming To Life.

The Forgotten Woman Who Made Microbiology Possible

Woman registering people to vote is charged with 32 felonies on a technicality

Frackers Spill Olympic Pool’s Worth Of Hydrochloric Acid In Oklahoma

Stretching During a Jog Is "Suspicious Activity"? America's "Counterrorism" Efforts Out of Control

Here Comes the Drone

Why Do Religious Groups Get Your Tax Money to Preach and Discriminate?

Roller Coaster Horror Stories - although it’s a serious issue a couple of the stories are funny¤t_page=1 - bookmark

7 Things You Need To Know About The Toxin That’s Poisoned Ohio’s Drinking Water

Bolivian golden bat revealed as 'new species' - cool

Artist Lucy Sparrow's felt corner shop open for business

Stradivarius viola may fetch $45m at auction

Meet the World’s Newest Dolphin Species

Is Earth’s Life Unique in the Universe?

Jon Stewart blasts House GOP for their lawsuit against Obama

Horses' mobile ears are 'communication tool'

Can Dirty Dancing resorts recreate their glory days?

How Sweden cares for its elderly population

Daily aspirin 'cuts bowel and stomach cancer deaths'

Oops-Somebody Dropped a Drone Into Yellowstone’s Famous Hot Spring

There is a cure for Ebola, we have it, we just don’t let anyone use it.

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Why There’s A No-Fly Zone Over Ferguson, Missouri

NASA Probe Sees Pluto and Its Moon Charon Like Never Before

Mezcal: the mystical drink with its own culture and tradition

Another petition to sign:
Reclassify the Internet as a common carrier

Under the plan wealthy corporations will be able to purchase faster service, while those that cannot do so will have slower service. Rather than an open Internet for all the US will be moving to a class-based Internet. Of course, this will mean that when Netflix and other corporations purchase faster Internet, the consumers who use their service will be paying more to watch movies and download information. As a result, more money will be funneled from working Americans to wealthy telecom giants.

We recently wrote that the United States has lost its democratic legitimacy and now was a plutocratic oligarchy. This is what plutocracy looks like - policies designed for the wealthy, so they can make more money from the rest of us.

According to the Times:
“The new rules, according to the people briefed on them, will allow a company like Comcast or Verizon to negotiate separately with each content company - like Netflix, Amazon, Disney or Google - and charge different companies different amounts for priority service.

“That, of course, could increase costs for content companies, which would then have an incentive to pass on those costs to consumers as part of their subscription prices.”

In the future, if a new start-up - the future Twitter or Facebook - begins it will have a very hard time competing with those who are established Interne companies because the slower service of the start-ups will make them less consumer friendly. As a result we can expect less creativity on the Internet.  As Stacy Higginbotham wrote:

“The plans took the hallmark of network neutrality - the notion that ISP shouldn’t discriminate between the traffic flowing over their networks - and turned it on its head.”

The proposal is being shared with other members of the Commission today. There will then be amendments suggested to garner majority support and the plan is to vote on the proposal on May 15.

Take action now. To Contact the Commissioners via E-mail

Chairman Tom Wheeler:

Commissioner Mignon Clyburn:

Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel:

Commissioner Ajit Pai:

Commissioner Michael O’Rielly: Mike.O'
To call and contact commissioner’s offices, call 1-888-225-5322.

In addition, call your elected representatives.  Tell them if net neutrality is ended, you will hold them accountable by withholding your vote. Both parties hope to control the senate after the mid-term elections, so you have more power than usual to let them know they are losing your vote if they fail to take action to stop the FCC proposal. The number for Congress is 202-224-3121.

Then go sign the petition here and the two a bit further down on the page:

The FCC’s New Net Neutrality Proposal Is Even Worse Than You Think

Out in Missouri the Repug legislators have started impeachment proceeding against their Democrat Gov. because he “directed state tax officials to accept joint tax returns from same-sex couples.” Go sign the petition.;jsessionid=8ECF7D69C7B9540DDADB539E025D29CA-n2?action_KEY=185

Stop the FCC from Breaking the Internet

FCC Set to Kill Net Neutrality;jsessionid=CD41BE91896B98CE8A41034FF3FF5BD6-n4?action_KEY=9726

It is important - watch it.
A Controversial Episode With Harrison Ford And Don Cheadle That Will Haunt You. Make. The. Time

A Very Good Idea!

image Click to view

Go sign the petition:

Petitions that need your signature

The Commerce Dept's Internet Policy Task Force proposed making it a felony to stream copyrighted content (aka SOPA Section 201).

Interpreted broadly, this proposal would apply to anyone who uploads a YouTube video of themselves covering a song without permission, a video with copyrighted music playing in the background, even your friend's embarassing karoke performance or your family singing "Happy Birthday To You."

The federal government wants to make streaming -- including material which falls under the "public performance" category -- punishable by years in prison.

As was pointed out last time they tried this, many artists depend on uploading YouTube covers to jumpstart their careers (including the young Justin Beiber...), and many others enjoy streaming creative interpretations of existing songs on their own websites or blogs. This proposal would make both subject to felony prosecution.

Click here to tell Obama NO to making streaming a felony, and NO new SOPA-style censorship:

It is best that you watch this:

'We're building a domestic army' -Marine Corps colonel speaks out

***How Government Cover-Up on Fish Farming Affects Your Health - Canada has a problem. It’s lengthy but worth the watch.


I am getting tired of reading that things like the below three examples are coming out of Washington. There are three petitions below that need your signature. Please go sign them.

Yesterday during the debate over women’s healthcare, Republican Chairman Bob Goodlatte said that the GOP should support restricting women’s healthcare because it "promotes job creation."

And not even hours later, GOPer Bob Goodlatte gives one of the most offensive statements - that women shouldn’t be allowed abortions because it will ultimately benefit the economy if women have more children.

This is down-right offensive and we can’t sit idly by as Republican men try to dictate healthcare decisions for women.

A federal appeals court just killed critically important government protections against discrimination online; the giant Internet service providers (ISPs) - Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable - now have total control over what information we can access on the web.

It's a nightmare scenario, and one the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has long seen coming. A self-imposed, Bush-era rule restricting the agency's ability to regulate broadband foreshadowed the court's finding this week that ISPs no longer have to treat all web users equally1 - they can block websites, slow down services, and double- and triple-dip in charging extra fees to restore access.

But we have the power to stop this. By raising our voices together, we can ensure the FCC has the political will to act on its authority to reverse a decade of failed Internet policy - and the courage to stand up to an industry that has pushed it around for too FCC chair Tom Wheeler says he supports a free and open Internet, but actions speak louder than words.
Mother Jones magazine just published a major exposé: A candidate for Congress in Virginia thinks that spousal rape should not be a crime. Yes, really.
His name is Richard Black, and he's currently a state senator. When Virginia voted to allow spouses to be prosecuted for rape, Black opposed it and questioned whether marital rape is even possible, saying "when they're living together, sleeping in the same bed, she's in a nightie, and so forth."

This is outrageous and unacceptable, and these revelations need a loud response right away. It's about more than one extremist candidate--we have a problem with rape in our politics. No one can forget Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin, but the fact is that Congress is debating a bill right now that would force women who sought abortions after a rape to report it to the IRS. And extreme conservatives in Congress tried to redefine rape to make it harder for women to receive health care services two years ago.

When candidates for public office aren't met with the outrage they deserve for their offensive and incredibly dangerous comments, it only emboldens them to push radical anti-woman policies once they are in office. We can change that cycle by speaking out today.

Women are not property. Marital rape is a crime and a very serious instance of domestic violence. And it is a shame that we have to make these things clear in 2014. Can you sign the petition to the National Republican Campaign Committee asking them to denounce Richard Black?

Subject: Here we go again…

The Monsanto protection act is back and may be included in the new 3-month spending bill!

Though wrapped in a “farmer-friendly” package, the Monsanto-driven rider remains simply a biotech industry ploy to continue to plant GE crops even when a court of law has found they were approved illegally.

Will you join me in telling Congress to exclude this dangerous rider in the upcoming spending bill?

The USDA is about to slash regulations for poultry plants, saving big corporations millions at the expense of public health and workers’ safety.

If new rules are allowed to go into effect, poultry plants will be able to follow less stringent health and safety rules, speed up their production lines, and police themselves for any violations. That means that chicken will come doused with feces and bleach and that workers will be at greater risk of serious injury.

Now the only person who can reverse these regulations is President Obama. Will you join me in saying that these that these disgusting rules are unacceptable?

Rep. Darrell Issa is trying to pass a bill that would not only end Saturday delivery by the postal service, but also door-to-door mail service for millions. We must stop this outrageous attempt to kill the USPS and hand its business to FedEx and UPS. Go sign the petition:

They are at it again
The Texas Taliban - also known as the rightwing majority on the Texas State Board of Education - want to revise the state's standards for science textbooks to require the addition of religious pseudoscience when teaching subjects like biology. And this isn't just bad news for Texas school children because the Texas standards will impact the textbooks used by millions of students nationwide.

Texas may want to dumb-down their children by teaching them pseudoscience but I don’t want the children of my state to be taught this way. Tell textbook publishers to stand up to the Texas Taliban and only publish books that are based on sound, peer-reviewed science scholarship. Click the link below to sign the petition automatically:

The Mind Your Own Business Act

America's top grocers are selling fake honey containing carcinogens, heavy metals, and banned antibiotics.
Get grocers to make sure they're selling us the real thing.

The Wounded Knee site has been held sacred by the Lakota Sioux since the horrific massacre that happened there in 1890. Now, it's in danger of being sold to the highest bidder, including someone who would build a horse slaughterhouse on the plot.

The current owner has offered to sell the site to its rightful owners, the nearby Oglala tribe, for the cool price of $3.9 million. But The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, just a few miles from where Wounded Knee is located, is one of the poorest places in the country. To build a horse slaughterhouse on their sacred site after everything the tribe has already suffered would be unthinkable.

And now a word about Monsanto and others like them. These profit-hungry biotech companies have found a way to exclusively ‘own’ something that freely belongs to us all -- our food! They’re trying to patent away our everyday vegetables and fruits like cucumber, broccoli and melons, forcing growers to pay them and risk being sued if they don’t.

Companies like Monsanto have found loopholes in European law to get away with this, so we just need to close them shut before they set a dangerous global precedent. And to do that, we need key countries like Germany, France and the Netherlands -- where opposition is already growing -- to call for a vote to stop Monsanto’s plans. Go sign the petition.

Tell Nestlé: Stop trying to patent a natural cure
In a paper published last year, Nestlé scientists claimed to “discover” what much of the world has known for millennia: that nigella sativa extract could be used for “nutritional interventions in humans with food allergy”.
But instead of creating an artificial substitute, or fighting to make sure the remedy was widely available, Nestlé is attempting to create a nigella sativa monopoly and gain the ability to sue anyone using it without Nestlé’s permission. Nestlé has filed patent applications -- which are currently pending -- around the world.

Sing the petition:

Maddow features PCCC activism

Tell Congress Social Security is non-negotiable.

Amazon is at it again! Please go sign this petition. It is not fair for those of us who make our living by writing. Authors are not libraries and while most of us enjoy the social side of writing we do this to pay our bills. If some one returns an ebook after reading it our royalties get reduced.

I just signed the peetition "Amazon Kindle e-Book Return Policy: Stop allowing refunds on e-Books after e-Books have been read." on

It's important. Here's the link:

North Dakota just passed the most extreme abortion ban in the country. It's just one of some 300 bills across the country designed to take away women's rights and access to health care -- and ultimately to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Don't let lawmakers get away with it, take action today:

Click here to tell Obama to veto CISPA:

AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon have all agreed to start spying on their users.
The US's largest Internet Service Providers are implementing a new "online infringement" plan to identify and punish, with virtually no due process, users suspected of downloading copyrighted content.

Remember CISPA? Well, it’s back - sign the petition

Oppose Seismic Surveys in the Atlantic - sign it please

Tell Congress to Dump Monsanto's Riders!

Bury Power Lines in Cities and Towns, Prevent Long-Lasting Outages, Improve National Security

Protect Global Internet Freedom - go sign the petition

The Sierra Club has a variety of actions to be taken. Just follow the link.
Send the congress a letter here:

Do you really own the smartphone or computer you’re using to read this email?

If you sold your computer, would you be breaking the law? A federal court in New York says you would be.

It's unbelievable, but trademark and copyright holders really are trying to take away your right to sell things that you own. Please click here to fight back:

The First-Sale Doctrine gives us the right to sell most property we own. But if the Supreme Court supports the lower court’s decision, we won't really “own” anything if it's from a different country. We expect them to issue a ruling later this year.

The President can urge the Court to side with consumers; then Congress will probably weigh in on the issue, no matter how the Court rules.

If we lose this fight, anybody who wants to resell foreign products, from Macbooks and iPhones to our clothing and textbooks, will have to ask copyright holders for permission first. And they'll have the right to deny it!

Just click here to email your lawmakers right away:

There are two very bad internet bills that you need to be aware of. The first concerns making streaming content a felony. Read about it here:

and the second is the Protect-IP Act that gives the government power to censor search engines and browsers. Read more about it here:

Both of the above pages have a petition to sign so please do so.

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weather, knitting, gardening, global warming, environment, politics, Repugs, scumbags, quilting, petitions, CISPA, health, Exxon, oil spills, Monsanto, evil, people, tar sands, harassment, privacy, GMOs, fish, fracking, food, animals, WTF?, silliness, people, media, morons, fun stuff, women's issues, women's rights, tennis, passings

Change the world one loan at a time - visit

gardening, quilting, food, privacy, monsanto, weather, gmos, wtf?, politics, evil, global warming, environment, morons, tennis, fun stuff, health, exxon, animals, knitting, passings, silliness, petitions

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