March 6th

Mar 06, 2013 11:28

My day started out early although not as early as yesterday.

At the moment we are just getting rain but the forecast says snow is coming. ARGH! It is cold, you know that damp wet cold that get you right down into you bones type cold. I am so looking forward to summer.

Not much going on today just the usual. I really don’t want to go out but since book I’ve ordered through the library has come in I guess I will go out and pick it up.

Have a good one!

AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon have all agreed to start spying on their users.
The US's largest Internet Service Providers are implementing a new "online infringement" plan to identify and punish, with virtually no due process, users suspected of downloading copyrighted content.

Remember CISPA? Well, it’s back - sign the petition

Recommended Reading

Koch Brothers Revel In Sequester

New Dimension: Nebulas Are Even More Amazing in 3-D - cool

When A Supreme Court Justice Sounds Like A Racist Internet Commenter, We've Got A Problem

Insensitive Remarks Led to Young Scalia’s Firing by Kinko’s

Giant camel fossil found in Arctic

World's most detailed scans will reveal how brain works

Venezuela's Hugo Chavez dies aged 58

Stomach cancer 'spotted by breath test'

Soviet war veteran found in Afghanistan after 33 years

Strong winds ground at least six ships on Caribbean coast

Emperor penguins' 'cold coat' discovered

Edinburgh Zoo pandas 'are preparing to mate'

Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke - God, The Universe - !

US snowstorm blankets Midwest states

Petitions - Important

Oppose Seismic Surveys in the Atlantic - sign it please

Tell Congress to Dump Monsanto's Riders!

Bury Power Lines in Cities and Towns, Prevent Long-Lasting Outages, Improve National Security

Protect Global Internet Freedom - go sign the petition

Fewer than 100 endangered wolves reside in Yellowstone National Park. At least ten of these wolves have already been shot this year simply because they wandered out of the park and despite having special collars identifying them as research wolves.

Now Montana is considering allowing trapping to reduce wolf numbers. This could put Yellowstone wolves directly in the crosshairs! Please join me in uring the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commission to stop this dangerous trapping plan before it's too late!

In the coming weeks Congress will debate drastic changes to the federal budget to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff" of automatic cuts to spending programs. There is right way out of this mess: end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent and cut the harmful subsidies to big oil, timber companies and other polluters.
Send the congress a letter here:

Do you really own the smartphone or computer you’re using to read this email?

If you sold your computer, would you be breaking the law? A federal court in New York says you would be.

It's unbelievable, but trademark and copyright holders really are trying to take away your right to sell things that you own. Please click here to fight back:

The First-Sale Doctrine gives us the right to sell most property we own. But if the Supreme Court supports the lower court’s decision, we won't really “own” anything if it's from a different country. We expect them to issue a ruling later this year.

The President can urge the Court to side with consumers; then Congress will probably weigh in on the issue, no matter how the Court rules.

If we lose this fight, anybody who wants to resell foreign products, from Macbooks and iPhones to our clothing and textbooks, will have to ask copyright holders for permission first. And they'll have the right to deny it!

It's bad for so many reasons: It'll undermine Craigslist and Ebay, hurt the environment, increase incentives for manufacturers to move jobs off-shore, and effectively ban the traditional American yard sale.
Just click here to email your lawmakers right away:

There are two very bad internet bills that you need to be aware of. The first concerns making streaming content a felony. Read about it here:

and the second is the Protect-IP Act that gives the government power to censor search engines and browsers. Read more about it here:
Both of the above pages have a petition to sign so please do so.

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weather, knitting, gardening, global warming, environment, politics, Repugs, scumbags, quilting, petitions, fun stuff, art, nebulas, fossils, health, passings, animals

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gardening, quilting, fossils, fun stuff, weather, health, politics, knitting, animals, global warming, passings, environment, art, petitions

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