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Are you registered to vote? If not, what are you waiting for? The furnace kicked in last night as I was making my coffee. Bummer. I did bring in my one fragile begonia yesterday afternoon. Glad I did now because it did go down into the 30s overnight. At the time I was feeling bad about it since it thrives outside during the summer. The wood stove also got used last night to take the chill off.
There are some other plants I have to bring in today so that job has been entered on the to-do list.
I finished up weaving some fabric yesterday and worked on a center section of a quilt. I have another section of fabric weaving to do before I can progress with that little project. I am also re-thinking the method I used so I might need to take out a few stitches on the weaving project but I am going to mull it over a bit before I do so.
Today is Columbus Day. For all of you who have the day off, enjoy it!
We received pictures of our niece’s wedding this weekend and thoroughly enjoyed looking at them. Her dress was lovely - and not in the meringue category - with plenty of bling. :) It did look like a fun party and it was nice to see how weddings are celebrated in Turkey.
I am hungry this morning and will go trawl through the kitchen in a bit.
Have a lovely day!
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