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Nov 04, 2011 08:51

Do’in the Happy Dance! Jury Duty is over. :) Problem is, I am still getting up because the body clock is telling me it is time to. ARGH! So the sun is just on its way up.

Knitting on the sock has reached the toe. I should have finished it off but I was falling asleep during one of my fave detective programs from PBS. I went to bed before 10 PM. So, here is a pic of the sock minus its toe section. I’ll finish it later after dinner tonight.

I think it is time to find a new coffee thermos. The coffee was not as hot as it should have been this morning.

Someone stayed up reading last night and we know it wasn’t me. That someone just got up and told me it was all my fault. Not my problem…LOL!

I have a to-do list today that probably won’t all get done. I have to start making bags for Christmas presents, I need to accu-suck the house, etc, etc. I did manage to get one ticked off the list last night before dinner. We have a laundry basket that fills up with socks whose partners have gone walk about. Once every few months I sit down and pair up the wayward socks with their mate. This take quite a while and I am not helped by playful cats who thing it is their mandate to jump into the middle of the stacks of paired up footwarmers. This activity is as popular as changing the sheets on the bed and Kali is very adept at it.

One of our squirrels has been having a fit over the past week because the birds are eating all of “his” berries. He is running up and down the branches trying to chase them away. He ended up on the windowsill banging on the window, again. Like I can help him. Right now everything is quiet and he is on the roof eating away. As you can see from this bad pic he is very big.

The tepid coffee is gone so I am off to start the list.

Bit & Pieces - ** recommended reading

**Who's Buttering Up Deficit Super Committee Members With Donations

**Solar Power's Good News

**Oligarchy, American Style

**SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: Who's behind the 'information attacks' on climate scientists?

**An Open Letter To “We Are Wall Street” From Main Street

**Maddow: Energy Regulators May Not Be Snorting Meth Off a Toaster Oven Anymore, But There's Still Alarming Nuclear News - Bingo!

**Young Woman With Disabilities Releases Video of Her Father, a Texas Judge, Beating Her for Downloading Games DON”T WATCH THE VIDEO IT IS REALLY GRAPHIC AND VIOLENT

Major berg forming in Antarctica

Early humans' route out of Africa 'confirmed'

Peshawar Hindus' joy as temple reopened for Diwali

Camilla purchases Zulu hat during Soweto visit - not the most flattering thing she could wear

Why old books smell so good

Kitty Porn: City Bookstores With Cats

What Happened When Overzealous Terrorist Hunters Took Off With My Money

Some Asthma Drugs Kill More People Than Asthma: Why Is Big Pharma Allowed to Hawk Deadly Pills?

Global warming worsens weather extremes, climate panel to say

More weather disasters ahead, climate experts report - Some locations will become 'increasingly marginal as places to live'
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45114342/ns/technology_and_science-science - .TrFZ_lbrXX7tml

How the rich created the Social Security “crisis” - The Bush tax cuts coupled with a decades-long smear campaign are the real threat to the successful program

The secret of ancient Viking navigation was transparent crystals

Mars mission makes Earth 'return'

Youngest millisecond pulsar shines in gamma rays

Secret tunnel rediscovered under south Armagh

What is a leap second?

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weather, knitting, global warming, climate change, environment, politics, Repugs, archaeology, animals, art, health, astronomy, time, chores, Kali

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weather, health, astronomy, climate change, politics, knitting, animals, kali, global warming, environment, art, chores, archaeology

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