Yesterday I used muscles I had forgotten I had. I cleaned the snow off the roof of the family room and then had to shovel what piled up on the ground away from the foundation. Such fun.
More beaded i-cord came off the needles last night. I really am beginning to hate i-cord.
My friend Barb gave me a Begonia a few years back and if you remember right after getting it the bear overturned the pot. I replanted it and it lives outside in the summer and in my office during the winter. Yesterday, as I was whining about being cold and wet from raking the roof I turned around and noticed this…
Could the groundhog be right and we will have an early spring? I am withholding comment since the drive is a sheet of ice.
The sun is out and the kittens upstairs are all stretched out in their favourite sunspots. The even got excited about their least favourite type of cat food - the one containing liver.
My coffee is gone so I guess I had better get moving. I want to get a jump on the weekend laundry and other projects so I can devote a bit more time to the dreaded i-cord.
Bits and Pieces
Koch Brothers Hired Goons to Track and Threaten Critics and Reporters? Republican Budget Chairman Paul Ryan Spoke At The Koch Strategy Meeting The Kochs Are Coming USDA Completely Deregulates Genetically Engineered Alfalfa-It is Time to Demand Congressional Hearings! 1,500-year-old church discovered by archaeologists in Israel Patrick Leahy Introduces Bipartisan PATRIOT Act Reforms, but Civil Rights Groups Unsatisfied The Right-Wing Dough Supporting the Sicko 'Stings' at Planned Parenthood - just follow the money Was GOP's Rape Redefinition A Shiny Object Designed to Distract from Heinous Abortion Provisions? Spend 10 minutes listening to Felix Yellow Pages Finally Launches Easy Opt-Out Site U.S. Snowstorm Seen From Space: Wild Weather Captured By NASA - it’s a wonderful photo Amazon drought 'severe' in 2010, raising warming fears New Zealand scientists record 'biodiversity breakdown' 'Perfumed' parasitic plant lures in pollinating mammals Giant meat-eating plants prefer to eat tree shrew poo Malawi row over whether new law bans farting - the height of sillniess Odd Box Calls for 'rules of engagement' for cyber conflict - an eye opener Weird and wonderful at the 2011 Kinetica Art Fair Resident returns to Prypiat, devastated by Chernobyl Gales cause damage across Scotland The non-existent tags
weather, knitting, global warming, environment, politics, archaeology, GMOs, Felix Finkbeiner, biodiversity, plants and animals, Odd box, emissions, technology, art
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