Prep day

Nov 26, 2008 09:09

Frosty and freezing here this morning. The sun is around but hidden for the moment by the clouds which look like they could spit snow.

Right now I have cats all over my office. It is the morning meet and greet time, let’s look out the window time and how can I get in trouble time. I think Nuit is bummed because Mr. Squirrel has not shown up. He usually sits in the fork of the Magnolia and swishes his tail at her.

I got a note from my mom yesterday saying that she didn’t know what to do with her quilt. Duh! Use it! Actually, I figured I would get this response knowing that she would think it was too pretty to use.

It is the day before Thanksgiving and today I have to clean the house in preparation of guests. This means that I will have to move some books that have become ensconced upon the table in the living room - something my Dearest just hates.

Not much food prep this year since it is going to be a turkey-free-zone. We picked up a 10lb salmon yesterday. The thing is huge! I asked for a 6-8 lb one but this is the smallest they had. Only bad thing about this is that the house will smell of fish. I am half way tempted to cook it on the grill outside but don’t want to stand there in the cold to do it. LOL!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

How Much do Labels Really Tell You? - a good read - this link takes you to a PDF you can download.

A friend sent this - a Hang Drum:

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animals, cats, weather, hang drum, astronomy, thanksgiving, archaeology

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