
Dec 01, 2010 10:24

Despite being massively vaginablocked on Saturday night, there were many lime and sodas consumed and much dancing had. This is a Big Thing for me because as the kids at work tell me... "Miss, you dance like a white woman, nyorn."

Nyorn being a Noongar term of extreme sympathy. *facepalm*

But FIS dragged me out into the crowd and promised to silly-dance so I wouldn't feel so uncoordinated and stupid. And bless his cotton socks, he cut up that floor with some truly atrocious moves. *loves on him muchly*

I haven't been out in Northbridge, (club hub in Perth) in a long time. Certainly not at 3am on a Saturday night since I got sober, I don't think. And lemme tell ya - that shit is a surefire cure-all for craving a drink. Messy, messy, messy. I remarked to Wellsy on Sunday that if I ever nearly fall off the wagon again like I came close to doing this winter, she is to put me in her car and take me to the Elephant & Wheelbarrow in the early hours of a weekend.

I stayed out all night and enjoyed fine company and danced in my heels and came home in possession of my faculties. *\o/* Extra points to my partners in crime, who gave so little of a shit about my sobriety that for once I didn't feel it was standing around like an extra unwanted person at the pub.

I'm sorry for McDougall, who is still recovering from her hangover and shame, but I'm also feeling pleased with myself. I was the caretaker. Me. Dragons. I was the one who, at 5am, had the car keys and was making the decisions and executing the solutions to get us all home in one piece.

Way to be a sober, reliable grown-up, Dragons. *pats self on back*

I didn't have time to take a pic before I left home, but this is the snap I took in the fitting room so The Monkeys could approve my dress purchase.

McDougall and a Dragons are still lamenting how hawt we looked, because how can two gals look so HAWT and yet not get to take their pants off? HOW? Oh, that's right... BECAUSE YOU GOT SHITFACED AND HAD A MELTDOWN, McDOUGALL. *noogies her*

FIS is very pleased with his fifth beer.

McDougall assists FIS in demonstrating the sort of moves I can expect if put my dignity aside and join him on the dancefloor. WHO CAN SAY NO TO THAT, I ASK YOU?

FIS has some video of McDougall trying to dial a number on her cell phone from later that night, but despite his threats to upload it to Youtube, he is far too gentlemanly to publicly release it. Imagine someone in a blindfold who has been spun twenty times trying to thread a needle.

It was something like that. *noogies her again*

fis, things that amuse a dragons, aa, rl, pics, dragons the screw

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