That Clunk You Just Heard...

May 24, 2009 15:42

...was Chappy Seven of The Lee bouncing into the can.  *clasps hands in lap, spins in chair*

She's a bit of a dog's breakfast, and -- ye GODS -- she's frightfully dull.  Exposition, anyone?  But she is done.  *\o/*  I'ma take a break and go prune some trees, because I can't think of anything LESS in keeping with my usual hobbies that might while away some time.  Then I might go see if horse!Sam's pants are all soggy and hilariously blown up on top of his arse again, like last time.  And THEN, I'ma bother this fic with a limp stick of celery and see if I can't make it at least partially legible for those poor bastards 
july_july_july and riverbella .

It's not like they have anything better to do than fix my preposterously shonky drafts.  Like, say, jobs.  Or thesises.  Or drinking drain cleaner.  Milking the venom of cobras.  Neutering hippopotami.

Bovine semen harvesting.

These are just random examples.

ETA:  *pokes chappy down the mortar pipe, takes cover*  Yays.  Done.  NO LONGER MY PROBLEM.

writing, the lee update, fanfic

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