The Master Procrastinator is...IN

Feb 20, 2009 19:37

Dudes, I'm sorry, and I really am going to get cracking on the closing scenes of chappy four in precisely two seconds, but explain to me something:

Cordial, right?  You guys have cordial in Americaland?  Like, the fruit flavoring you put in water to make a drink?  Yes?  *hopes you do*

Well, it's really hot over here today, and I has just got up to get a nice cool drink to go with my debilitating inadequacy as a writer, and I was disappointed to find I have no coke or soda or anything left in my fridge.  But I DO have a squeeze bottle of lemon juice.  So, ever the MacGyver of domesticity, I pour a glass of water, toss in a few ice cubes, and squirt some lemon juice on top.

My question is this:  it tastes EXACTLY like lemon cordial!

Okay, fine.  That's not a question.  It's more of a squeal of outrage.  I take your point there.  Here is my actual question:  why the fuck is the ingredients panel on the cordial bottles so goddamn long if I can just squirt a bunch of straight lemon juice into a glass and it's OSTENSIBLY THE SAME RESULT?  Who are these people adding all that crap to the cordial, and why are they wasting their time like that?

*is disproportionately confounded*

In other news, I has achieved 100% on my forklift assessment!  *waves certificate of competency victoriously*  SUCK ON THAT, MEAN SCARY FORKLIFT ASSESSOR DUDE.  Heeeeeeeeeee!

procrastination, things which are rorts

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