It's Thursday. Have some random items of disinterest:
1. Coffee. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
2. K has delivered unto a Dragons a tray of cinnamon doughnuts. *chomps* We like K.
3. The Dragons is off to Kewdale today and tomorrow to have her forklift licence renewed. Which means I'll be cheating on Gracie. Shhhh. Wish me luck for my test, which involves a frightening amount of Math and percentiles and load calculations. *cries* It was my understanding that once I graduated university and completed the paralyzing horror that was my Psych Stat Meth class, there would be little or no Math. WTF, world? Why for you so numbery? *does not want*
4. After wrestling with the chappy opener for most of last night, I am a mere scene and a half away from completing chappy four of The Lee. Real life has been downright OBSTRUCTIVE lately. I can't remember a time I've been more motivated to write and yet less physically ABLE to. *picks up rl by the scruff, shakes it, throws it* FRUSTRATING.
janglyjewels , honey, you have been super patient with a Dragons and I'm very appreciative. I should have it off to beta by the weekend. *smish*
5. Neffi is doing her high-pitched annoying look-at-me bark. At 6:54am. Excuse me while I gently dissuade her from this practice. *searches for throwing knives*
6. Some kid in India just
married a dog, because when you have a tooth growing out of your arm gum and the tigers are on your ass, there's just nothing else for it. Apparently.
*blinks* There's hope for horse!Sam and a Dragons yet... *adjusts tiara, window-shops rings*
As you were, people. As you were.
ETA: Edited to rectify an egregious anatomical wtf. *titters into toe hip chin fist*