May 20, 2013 07:13
I'm going to start taking melatonin supplements. Initially, I was worried about addiction or a lifetime dependence or something like that.
Then I thought about it.
Every night, I tend to go to bed an hour or two later. I don't start getting tired until roughly an hour before I go to sleep, and then I drop like a rock. My melatonin levels in that timeframe have got to be total shit already.
On top of this, the feeling of needing to go to sleep can't be addictive. Hell, when I feel that way in the morning it's awful. Screw the consequences, if I can ever fall asleep at the same time every night like a normal person, it's worth it. Waking up at midnight is NOT something easy to adjust a daily schedule to, especially when the next day it's 1 am and so forth.
I just hope that melatonin release is actually what's wrong with me, because this is a total pain in the ass.