18 Months old!

Sep 26, 2011 11:45

In some ways this last month not much has happened and yet...

He's wearing size 8 sneakers and shoes, at this point I've realised I will have to buy him new boots. The size 7 sandals will make due for the next few wearings but they wouldn't last much longer otherwise. All his clothes are a minimum of 24 months, but even those seem somewhat small. Most of his shirts and pants are 2/2T. I find that I can get get away with smaller sizes for his pants as he doesn't have very long legs, it's his torso that has all the length.

Still waiting for the next 4 canines to come in, nothing yet, although he's still had days of drooling and chewing on his fingers.

His appetite has held steady since last month, it's not as voracious as it used to be, but it's still healthy. He will eat almost anything I give him and is willing to try new foods. He's still not a big meat eater but he gets his protein in other foods. I haven't yet tried tree nuts or peanuts, I'm still planning to wait a bit longer. I will ask his dr. next month at his 18 month appointment about when a good time would be to introduce them. One of his favourite things now is ice cream, not that he's had much of it. Vanilla ice cream, the best thing in the world! lol

The dreaded squeal is disappearing, finally. This past month it turned into more of a frustrated cry for attention and I came up with a solution. When he squeals/screams/cries, I ask him "How do you get my attention?" and he looks at me and very sweetly says "Mama" while signing Mom. Every time he does it I ask him again. Then I respond with "Yes Tristan, what is it? you have to show me what you want" He'll then sign help or please and point. Sometimes he'll go to the kitchen door and sign food or drink so I know what I need to get for him. Communication has improved immensely.

Speaking of communication. I made a list of his vocabulary. He's up to 96 signed words and 15 spoken words. I think that's pretty darned impressive!

His 15 word spoken vocabulary :

Ta Da!
Banana (sounds like Nana)
Milk (sounds like Mmma)
Knock knock
Pake (working on it)
Thank you (sounds like Tank Oo)
(Your) welcome
Dog (plus he barks)
Gaga (he uses this when he wants to listen to her music, he has figured out the connection)

His 96 word signed vocabulary :

Eat/Food, Milk, Water, More/Again, Bird, Dog, Cat, Fish. Car, Airplane, Flower, Mama, Sleep, Friend, Play, Train, Doll, Bear, Please, Share, Book, Read, Yes, No, Drink, Bath, Stop, Go, Wash Hands, Hungry, Apple, Cookie, Cereal, Banana, Bread, Cheese, Crackers, Ice Cream, Candy, Help, Hot, Cold, Sad, Cry, Home, Tree, Wind, Grass, Rain, Snow, Hat, Grumpy, Surprised, Fruit, Potato, Grapes, Peach, Pear, Strawberry, Dance, Walk, Swing, Jump, Mouse, Sheep, Deer, Bear, Owl, Wolf, Eagle, Fox, Caterpillar, Bat, Tiger, Lion, Shark, Dolphin, Whale, Crab, Starfish, Camel, Monkey, Elephant, Penguin, Comb Hair, Brush teeth, Clothes, Get dressed, Shirt, Pants, Sweater, Build, Clean up, Napkin, Fork, All done.

He naps close to 12:30 now (thank goodness) and it last 1 1/2 hours. His bedtime routine is changing a bit though, I'm guessing it's a change of season and weather thing. He's had a few nights now where I put him to bed at 7pm and he cries and fusses for up to an hour and a half, it's very tiring. If I put him to bed between 7:15 - 7:30pm, then things go much better. He's back to waking before 7am but that might be because he's having more trouble sleeping.

We joined another library, the Montreal West Children's Library and he's signed up for Mother Goose Time which is a story time for children 2 years and under. It starts the beginning of Oct. so I'm really looking forward to it. I've been told there's at least 2 other boys his age. I think it's going to be a lot of fun! When we went to that library for the first time he had a blast running around and exploring all the corners of the room.

He loves going to the park and playing outside. Two days ago he finally figured out how much fun slides can be.

Our fall and Halloween decorations were brought up this past weekend and I can't wait to see his reaction to all the fun Halloween stuff. Next month for Thanksgiving his Pake is going to come to visit us, I think that will make him one very happy boy.

Wonder what the next month will bring us :)

the bean, tristan, monthly updates

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