Almost 1 1/2 years old, where did the time go?
There's been a growth spurt the last few weeks, definitely outgrown any 18 month clothing, I've put a number of items in bins the last week alone. Shirts are still 24 months or 2/2T and bottoms have now moved up to the same. I've noticed that his feet are slightly bigger as well, the size 7 sandals, although fitting have less room in the toe than they did a month ago. I'm afraid that the size 7 winter boots I have for him won't fit when the time rolls around!
He is signing please and help when asked. Thank you is becoming more frequent, both in sign and spoken. I love that he still blows kisses when signing thank you. A couple days ago he started signing whale. He also signs fish, crab and shirt.
Still waiting for the canines to come in, both upper and lower. They must be moving around because I notice days where he's drooling and sticks his whole hand in his mouth.
His appetite has decreased over the last few months, he still has days where he can be quite hungry, but for the most part it's fairly steady. He's not an overeater, he'll let me know when he's done.
His squeal isn't completely gone but it's fading. He picked up a new noise recently, a lower pitched growl which is a huge improvement. He still can make quite the fuss when he's frustrated or excited but that's to be expected.
His nap is closer to noon now and lasts about 1 1/2 hours. He's waking closer to 7am and although he's in bed by 7pm, I have been hearing him talk himself to sleep the last few nights and he's not usually asleep till closer to 7:30pm.
He still enjoys watching TV/movies with me, he'll cuddle up next to me, either quietly or comment on what we're watching. He also brings me books, so many, many books. He loves reading either with me or by himself. I've noticed when he's "talking" lately that he does a pointing thing with his hand as if to make a point. It's not a particular sign it's just
another way of him expressing himself.
He's very social, loves seeing other kids and adults. We attended a going away party for friends of ours and he had a blast. There was music, people and food, what more could a child ask for?
He has started having "temper tantrums" when he doesn't get what he wants. They generally don't last long, but he'll stomp his feet and scream hoping to get his way. It usually doesn't work. There's been the occasional throw himself on the floor fit, but again, it doesn't last long. He's exploring boundaries, trying to figure out what he's capable of and realising there are rules to be followed! lol
He is now able to jump with both feet off the ground and tip toes around with great delight. Because of his climbing I've had to re-arrange his room and took away the day bed. There was too much of a risk that he'd climb up and jump off and get hurt.
All in all, I've noticed a developmental jump this past month, my little boy is growing up.